Viewing a product's history

You can view a product's change history and see who made a change and when. It also identifies changes made to the product using Global Commerce, Product Admin API, the Import and Export feature, and the bulk XML feed.

Note: The View History page does not log some events in product history due to system limitations.

Example: The View History page does not log changes to fees, digital rights, and how the system sends subscription notifications.

Product History taskbar

Button Description
Edit Product Edit Product Allows you to edit the product from the Edit Product page. See Edit Product for more information.
Create Product Create Product

Allows you to create a product using the Product Setup wizard. See Creating an individual product for more information.

View Price List History View Price List History Allows you to view the price list history. See How to view the price list history for more information.

Product History attributes

Attribute Description
From Date

The beginning of the search date range.

To Date

The end of the search date range.

Change Type

A brief description of the change applied to the product. Some of the possible change type values are as follows:

  • Copied—Indicates a user copied the current product from another product. When a user copies an existing product, the Product History page shows the product ID and name of the original product on which the new product is based.
  • Revert—Indicates a user reverted the product to a previous version (and indicates the previous version). For more about reverting a product, see How to revert changes to products.
  • Save or Save (Live Change)—Indicates you or another user saved a change to the product. Save indicates you must deploy the product before shoppers can see the change in your store. Save (Live Change) indicates the system automatically applied the change to your store, and you do not need to deploy the product.

    You can click the plus (+) sign next to a save event to see additional information for that event. One or more of the following columns appear with every save event:

    • Locale—Indicates the locales where the change occurred.
    • Area—Indicates the general area in the editor the change occurred.

      Example: If you change the name, the area lists "Storefront Settings" as the area where you can find the name.

    • Field—Displays the changed field.

      Tip: You can use this field name and the content displayed in the Area column to locate the attribute in Global Commerce.

    • Old Value—Displays the old value. If a value is not present, no content appears in this column.
    • New Value—Displays the new value.

    Note: Save does not always mean the item changed. If you view the item and click the Save button without applying any changes, the system logs that change.

  • Status Changed to Deployed—Indicates the states of the product changed to the Live state. The changes now appear in your store.
  • Status Changed to Design—Indicates the status of the product changed to the Design state.
  • Status Changed to New—Indicates the status of the product changes to the New state when you create a product.
  • Took Ownership—Indicates that the right to edit a product belongs to a new user. The name of the new user appears in the Modified By column. Ownership means that this user was the last person to edit the product, and no other user can edit the product until they take ownership of the product. Ownership prevents two users from editing the product at the same time.
  • Variation Added—A user added a variation to the product. The variation ID, as well as the varying attributes, also appear in the Change Type column.
  • Variation Deleted—A user deleted product variation. The variation ID, as well as the varying attributes, also appear in the Change Type column.
Product/Variation ID

Displays the product identifier or variation identifier for the product.

  • If the product is an individual product, only the product ID appears.
  • If the product is a base product, (Base) appears after the ID.
  • If the product is a variation, the name of the variation and the varying attributes (in parentheses) appears after the ID.

Modified By The name of the person or application who last modified the product.
Modified On The date and time when the product was last modified.

How to view a product's history

  1. Search for the product. See How to search for a product for instructions.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the product you want to view history for and then click View History. The Product History page appears.
  3. Optional. Under Filters, enter the start date in the From Date field and the end date in the To Date field and then click Search Search to display the product history within a specific time frame.