Managing volume license plans

Use the Volume License Plan page to manage volume license plans. You can use a volume license plan to define discount pricing for products based on the quantity of the product purchased. When you create a volume license plan, you choose the products (or product variations) you want to include in the plan and define the tiers or levels at which shoppers get a discount. When a shopper purchases a product in a volume license plan, they get the pricing you defined based on the total point value of the products they purchases.

Volume License Plans taskbar

Button Description
Create Volume License Plan Create Volume License Plan Allows you to create a volume license plan from the Create Volume License Plan. See Creating a volume license plan for more information.
Import and Export Volume License Plans Import and Export Volume License Plans Allows you to create new volume license plans or modify existing volume license plans using a spreadsheet. See Importing and exporting volume license plans for more information.

Volume License Plans attributes

Attribute Description
ID The ID assigned to the volume license plan.
Catalog The name of the catalog associated with this volume license plan.
Name The name of the volume license plan.

The current status of the volume license plan. The following statuses are possible:

  • All
  • Active/Design
  • Active
  • Design
  • Retired

How Tiers and Points Work

You can use tiers to control the discount shoppers they purchase products within a volume license plan. When you create a volume license plan you, define the tiers in the plan and assign points to products, allowing you to use the same volume license plan to control pricing and discounts for multiple products.

The tiers in a volume license plan have a minimum and maximum value. The minimum value represents the lowest number of points a shopper must have to qualify for the pricing defined for that tier. The maximum value represents the highest number of points a shopper must have to qualify for the pricing for that tier.

Depending upon the point value you have assigned to products in a purchase, shoppers qualify for reduced prices when their total product purchase exceeds or meets the minimum value for the next tier and is less than or equal to the maximum value for that tier.

You do not need to define a maximum value for the highest tier. In this case any shopper whose point value meets or exceeds the minimum value for that tier would qualify for the pricing for that tier.

The system calculates the total points for a qualifying purchase by multiplying the quantity ordered by the point value assigned for each product.

Example: If a shopper buys 50 of a product and the value for each product purchased is 2, the total number of points would be 100.

Products in multiple volume license plans

A product can exist in more than one volume license plan as long as the locale and currency are unique to each volume license plan. This only applies to active volume license plans; volume license plans in Design or Retired status do not have this restriction.

Example: You have two volume license plans. If you add a product to the first plan and set the locale for the product as en_US and the currency as USD, you cannot add that same product in the en_US locale or use USD with that product in any other active volume license plan. A volume license plan with the Design or Retired status can have a product with the same locale and currency as another volume license plan because it is not active on the store. Note that you cannot activate a volume license plan if it shares a product with the same locale and currency as another active volume license plan in your store.

How to implement a volume license plan

Use a volume license plan to create special pricing for certain products based on the quantity of the product purchased. When you have an active volume license plan in your store, anyone who purchases products in the volume license plan can qualify for the volume license plan discount.

There are two steps to implementing a volume license plan in your store.

  1. Set up the products you want to include in the plan in your store. See How to set up products to use a volume license plan for more information.
  2. Create the VLP, associate the products you set up for volume license pricing to the plan, and define the pricing tiers for products in the plan. See Creating a volume license plan for more information.

How to set up products to use a volume license plan

You must enable the volume license setting and assign "points" values to the products that you want to use with your volume license plan. You will not be able to associate products to a volume license plan unless the volume license pricing setting has been enabled (and the points value set) for a product.

Tip: There are two ways to set up volume license pricing details for products. The method you use may depend on the number of products you want to set up to use volume license pricing.

  • If you have only a handful of products you want to set up to use a volume license plan, you can edit the products one at a time and assign the points value in the product details. See How to enable a product for volume license plan for more information.
  • If you have many products you want to set up to use a volume license plan, you can use the Importing and exporting categories tool to set the points value for multiple products at once.

How to enable a product for volume license plan

To enable a product for a volume license plan, you must first edit the product and add the Volume License Pricing setting to the product.

  1. Select Catalog, Products, and click Manage Products. The Products page appears.
  2. Complete the search fields under the Search tab and then click Search Search to locate the specific products. The results appear in the Products list.

  3. Click the internalProductName under the Internal Product Name column. The Edit Product page appears.
  4. Click the Details tab.
  5. Choose the product or product variation you want to modify from the list under Choose a Product.
  6. Choose the locale from the list under Choose a Locale.
  7. Click Add/Remove Settings.
  8. Select the Volume License Pricing checkbox, click Save, and then click OK.

    If prompted, enter your username. The system immediately applies product-setting changes to a deployed product when saved. Modifying a product to use VLP will not affect a shopper's ability to purchase the product, so you do not have to worry about changing the product in your store in this way.

  9. Scroll down to Volume License Pricing and enter a value in the Points field. The system uses the value in the Points in conjunction with the Minimum Point Threshold set in the volume license plan to determine when purchases of the products in the plan trigger the volume license pricing.

    Example: If you assign a points value of 2 to the products in your volume license plan and you set the minimum point threshold (of the plan) to 6, a shopper has to purchase 3 of the product to qualify for the volume license pricing (2 points × 3 quantity of product = 6 points). Once a shopper triggers the volume license pricing, the shopper will get the special pricing you defined for the plan.

  1. Click Save and then deploy the product. See Deploy Products for more information.