Managing categories

Use the Product Categories page to create, manage, and view the categories and products for your store.

Product Categories taskbar

Button Description
Create Category Create Category

Allows you to create a category. See Creating a category for more information.

Import and Export Categories Import and Export Categories Allows you to create new categories or modify existing categories using a spreadsheet. See Importing and exporting categories for more information.
Create Product Create Product

Allows you to create a product using the Product Setup wizard. See Creating an individual product for more information.

Import and Export Products Import and Export Products Allows you to create new products or modify existing products using a spreadsheet. See Importing and exporting products for more information.
View Products to Deploy View Products to Deploy Allows you to view all undeployed products and the last five deployed changes to your products. See Deploy Products for more information.
Manage Catalogs Manage Catalogs

Allows you to manage catalogs. See Managing catalogs for more information.

Product Categories attributes

Attribute Description
Locale The locale associated with catalog and categories. See How to create locale-specific categories for more information.
Edit Category Edit Category Allows you to edit a selected category. See Editing a category for more information.
Sort Products Sort Products Allows you to sort products for a selected category. See How to sort products in a category for more information.
Sort Categories Sort Categories Allows you to sort categories in a catalog. See How to sort categories in a catalog for more information.
Create Category Create Category Allows you to create a category or subcategory for a selected catalog or category. See Creating a category for more information.
Create Product Create Product Allows you to create a product for a selected catalog or category. See Step 1: Create an individual product for more information.

How to view unassigned products

  1. Select Catalog, select Catalogs and Categories and then click Manage Categories. The Product Categories page appears.
  2. In the Categories list, select a catalog that contains the unassigned products.

    Tip: To expand a node in the Categories list, click +.

  3. Click the Unassigned Products category. The pane to the right shows the unassigned products.

How to create locale-specific categories

The Product Categories page shows your catalog structure. This includes the categories, subcategories, products, and locale. If your site supports multiple locales, you can change your catalog and categories to support them. You can localize the catalog by changing the catalog structure to accommodate the differences between locales.

You can customize the appearance of the storefront for shoppers in a specific locale by localizing a catalog. To localize your catalog, create locale-specific categories and then edit the category details (such as the name) to accommodate the supported locale.

Example: If your site sells DVDs, you could create a special locale-specific category for your Japan locale called "Anime." Only shoppers in the Japan locale can see the Anime category and purchase products from that category.

You can create locale-specific categories the same way you create regular categories for your catalog, except that you select the locale you are supporting from the Locale list before you create the category.

  1. Select Catalog, select Catalogs and Categories and then click Manage Categories. The Product Categories page appears.
  2. Select the locale from the Locale list. When you choose a new locale, the page refreshes, and the category structure for that locale appears.
  3. Select a catalog or category from the Categories list.

  4. Choose one of the following options:

    • To create a new category:

      1. Click Create Category. The Create Category page appears.
      2. Complete the fields as you would want them to appear for the selected locale. See Creating a category for more information.

        Example: The Site Category Name for the category should be in the language associated with the selected locale.

    • To edit an existing category:

      1. Click Edit Category. The Edit Category page appears.
      2. Complete the fields as you want them to appear for the selected locale. See Editing a category for more information.
  5. Click Save. The Product Categories page appears and shows the new or updated category.
  6. Repeat the previous steps to create as many locale-specific categories as needed. Once you create the categories you can create or copy products into the categories and localize the product as needed.

How to sort categories in a catalog

Most stores use categories as navigation links along the left or top of the page, and by these categories appear alphabetically by default. You can change the order of the categories in your catalog, thus changing the order of those categories in your store.

Example: You may want a category of new products to appear first when shoppers browse the contents of your catalog.

  1. Select Catalog, select Catalogs and Categories and then click Manage Categories. The Product Categories page appears.
  2. In the Categories list, select a catalog (or category) that contains the categories you want to sort. When you select an item, the pane to the right shows the categories or products associated with the selected item.

    Tip: To expand a node in the Categories list, click +.

  3. Click Sort Categories. The Sort Categories page appears.
  4. Select a category in the Sort Categories list and click one of the following links to change the category's position in the list:

    • Move to Top
    • Move Up
    • Move Down
    • Move to Bottom
    • Alphabetize—Lists all categories in ascending alphabetical order by the display name.

    Tip: Use CRTL+click to select multiple items.

  5. Click Save. The Product Categories page appears.

How to sort products in a category

When a shopper views the contents of a category in your store (the Category Listing page), the products in that category appear in alphabetical order. You can change the order of products within any category in your catalog.

Example: If you are promoting a new product, you may want it to appear first. Or you may want certain products to appear before others because of how they are prices or marketed.


  1. Select Catalog, select Catalogs and Categories and then click Manage Categories. The Product Categories page appears.
  2. In the Categories list, select a catalog and then select the category that contains the products you want to sort. When you select a category, the pane to the right shows the products associated with the selected category.

    Tip: To expand a node in the Categories list, click +.

  3. Click Sort Products. The Sort Products page appears.
  4. Select a product in the Sort Products list and click one of the following links to change the product's position in the list:

    • Move to Top
    • Move Up
    • Move Down
    • Move to Bottom
    • Alphabetize—Lists all categories in ascending alphabetical order by display name.

    Tip: Use CRTL+click to select multiple items.

  5. Click Save. The Product Categories page appears.