Managing offer details

The Offer Details page shows the details of an offer.

Offer Details taskbar

Attribute Description
Preview Offer Preview Offer View a preview of the offer. See How to preview your offers for more information.
Copy Copy Offer Copy a selected offer. See How to copy an offer for more information.
Retire Retire Offer Retire a selected offer. See How to retire an offer for more information.
View Price List History View Offer History View the history of a selected offer. See How to view an offer's history for more information.

Offer Details attributes

Attributes Description

This field shows the offer's name. The system uses the name internally. Customers will not see this name in your store.


The description of the offer.

Note: The shopper will not see either the name or the description of the offer.

External Reference Offer ID

Used to cross-reference an offer between Global Commerce and your external marketing application. The ID consists of any combination of numbers and/or letters.

Requirement: For the External Reference Offer ID to work, you must set up Global Commerce to communicate with the third-party system you use to track offer usage. When a shopper places an order using an offer with an external reference ID, Global Commerce sends the external reference offer ID to the third-party system that you set up to receive it.

Note: Reports in Global Commerce do not contain metrics about the usage of offers by the external reference ID. In addition, Global Commerce does not ensure that every external reference offer ID is unique or used by another offer for your site.

Start Date

The first day when shoppers can redeem the offer in your store. You must deploy the offer before this date so that the offer can go live on this date.

Choose one of the following options:

  • Start Offer Immediately—Select this option if you want the offer to start immediately.
  • Start Offer on Specific Date Time—Select this option if you want the offer to start on a specific date and time and complete the fields.

    Note: If you set a Start Date that occurs in the future, you will not be able to preview the offer until that date.

End Date

The last day when shoppers can redeem the offer in your store. Choose one of the following options:

  • No End Date—Select this option if you want the offer to continue indefinitely. Shoppers can redeem the offer in your store until you retire the offer.
  • End Offer on Specific Date/Time—Select this option if you want the offer to end on a specific date and time, and complete the fields. When the offer reaches the end date, the offer expires automatically, and shoppers can no longer redeem the offer in your store.

This field shows the type of offer.

Trigger The offer trigger determines how the shopper activates or redeem an offer. See Trigger for more information.

Behavior attributes

Attribute Description
Discount Level
Applies To

The discount level indicates where the system applies the offer discount.

Choose one of the following items if there is more than one:

  • Product(s) (Line Item)—Applies the discount to each product associated with the offer. Note that all products must use the same discount type.

    Example: Percent off, amount off, and so on.

  • Bundle—Applies the discount to the order total if the order meets the requirements for the offer.
  • Order—Applies the discount to the bundle total. The system will not apply the discount to products in the order that are not part of the bundle.
Offer Controls
Total Limit

The total number of uses per offer in your store. Note that an empty field value or value of zero means unlimited use.

Example: If the Total Limit value is 500, the shoppers can use the offer can a total of 500 times in your store.

This field appears when you select the Limit Total Usage checkbox when you create an offer.

Locale Restrictions

Allows you to restrict the offer by locale. Choose one of the following options:

  • Allow Offer on All Locales—Select this option if you want to apply the offer to all supported locales.
  • Restrict Offer to Specific Locales—Select this option if you want the offer to only appears for selected locales. When you select this option, the Supported Locales pane appears.
Subscription Controls
Apply To Initial Purchase When true, shoppers can apply the offers to subscription products if this is their first (initial) purchase of the subscription.
Apply To Manual Renew When true, shoppers can apply the offers to orders when the shopper manually renews their subscription.
Apply TO Auto Renew When true, the shopper can apply the offers to automatic renewal orders.
Offer Display
Points of Promotion

Select one or more POPs to define where and how the offer content appears in your store.

  • Banner_ShoppingCartLocal
  • Interstitial_UpSell
  • Interstitial_CrossSell
  • PointOfSale_CouponEntryField
  • PopUp_FirstTimeVisitor
  • PopUp_WaitDontLeave

When you select a POP checkbox, the Supported Locales pane appears.

If you do not select a POP, this field shows No Points of Promotion Selected on the Offer Details page.

Offer Description in Cart

The text that appears (in the cart) when a shopper triggers an offer.

Best Practices: Enter the text that promotes or highlights the offer.

Example: You saved $10 on this order with our special holiday promotion.

  • If the offer is for a single product, the offer description appears below the product in the Shopping Cart by default.
  • If the offer is for an entire order, the offer description appears at the bottom of the Shopping Cart by default.

If you do not want anything to appear, leave this field blank.

Product Name

This field shows the product's tracking program's name. The system uses the name internally. Customers will not see this name in your store.

Example: Holiday Promotion 1

Sales Pitch

Enter the text you want to use to persuade the shopper to buy the product.


An image of the product that appears when the shopper views the product on a listing page, such as when the shopper searches for the product or view the contents of a category.

Offer Tracking
Marketing Channel Type

Select one of the following options:

  • Email
  • Banner
  • Offline
  • Navigational Analysis
  • Affiliate
  • Paid Search
  • Home Page Promotion
  • Category Promotion
  • Site Testing
  • General On-Site Merchandising
  • Social Media
  • Other
Default Locale The default locale for the offer.
Supported Locales

Select the checkbox next to each locale that applies to this offer.

When you select a locale, you will be able to enter the localized content for that locale on the Display Content step in the Create Offer wizard.

If you do not select a checkbox for a supported locale, the shoppers for that locale will not be able to see or redeem the offer.

Products and Pricing attributes

Attributes Description
Pricing Information
Price List Type

The price list type for the offer. Your options are as follows:

  • List Price—Select this type when you want to define the standard price for products without promotions. This is the default price list used by all stores. The system gets the pricing for your products from this list to display in your storefront.
  • MSRP—The manufacturer's suggested retail price. Select this type when you want to use the product manufacturer's recommended price when selling the product in a store. This may or may not match the list price. Product resellers often use this price list when selling a product manufactured by someone else.

This field shows the product's ID used internally by the Digital River system.


This field shows the product's tracking program's name. The system uses the name internally. Customers will not see this name in your store.

Example: Holiday Promotion 1

Varying Attributes

The product's variation attributes.

Discount Type

The offer discount is one of the most important aspects of an offer. Although you don’t have to give a discount with every offer, most offers provide some sort of pricing incentive when a shopper redeems an offer.

Some offers allow you to restrict the discount to orders that match specific criteria such as a minimum number of products purchased, the total order value, or shipping method used. These types of discounts still use the amount off, percentage off, or tiered discount but they restrict how and when the system applies the discount to the product or order.

You can apply discounts to products, shipping costs, or the total order cost. Choose one of the following discount types from the Discount Type list for the selected product.

  • Amount—Select this option when you want to specify the cost of the product or bundle after the discount.

    Example: The product is $24 after discount.

  • Amount Off—Select this option when you want to specify how much you want to discount (subtract) from the price of the product or bundle.

    Example: Select this option when you want to specify how much you want to discount (subtract) from the price of the product or bundle shipping cost. If you set the currency for the offer to USD (United States Dollars) and the shopper redeems the offer in EUR (euros), the system will calculate the discount amount using the USD to EUR conversion rate, and deduct that discount amount from the cost of the product or bundle.

  • Percent Off—Select this option when you want to discount the price of the product or bundle by a percentage of the cost.

    Example: The offer takes 15% off the price of the product or bundle regardless of currency.

  • Tiered Discount—Select this option when you want to provide a discount based on the quantity purchased.

    Example: The offer takes $5 off when you purchase one product, $10 off when you purchase two products, and 15 off when you purchase three products, and so on.


Enter the specifics for the discount. Your options are as follows:

  • If you selected Amount or Amount off for the Discount Type, enter the discount amount in the field and select a currency from the list.
  • If you selected Percent Off for the Discount Type, enter the percentage value in the field.
  • If you selected Tiered Discount as the Discount Type, select one of the following options from the list:

    • Tiered Qty/Amount Off—Select this option and the locale currency if you want to set up tiers based on the quantity and you want to take an amount off the purchase price.

      Example: If the selected currency is GBP, you may choose a 5 GBP discount for one of your tiers and 10 GBP for the next.

      Do not use Amount Off discount methods for offers that are localized for two or more locales. Instead, use Percent Off Discount Methods only.

    • Tiered Qty/Percent Off—Select this option if you want to set up tiers based on the quantity and want to take a percentage off the purchase price.

    you can create tiers for individual products in a bundle offer. These tiers only apply tot he parent product in the offer.

How to edit an offer

  1. Select Marketing, select Offers and Programs and then click Manage Offers. The offers page appears.
  2. Click the offer's name that you want to edit under the Name column in the Offers list. The Offer Details page appears.
  3. Click Edit next to the pane you want to modify. The Edit Offer page for the selected pane appears.
  4. Complete the fields on the Edit Offer page and then click Save.
  5. Preview your offers to see how they will appear in your store.
  6. Deploy the updated offer.

How to preview your offers

You can preview your offers to see how they will appear on your store.

Prerequisite: You need an offer before you can perform this task. See Creating offers for more information on creating an offer.

To preview your offer:

  1. Select Marketing, select Offers and Programs and then click Manage Offers. The Offers page appears.
  2. Click the name of an offer under the Name column in the Offers list. The Offer Details page appears.
  3. Click Preview Offer. The Preview Store dialog for the offer appears.
  4. Complete the fields and click Launch Previewer. The Preview page appears.
  5. From the Preview page, add the products associated with the offer you want to preview to the shopping cart.
  6. If the offer needs additional information, complete the information required to trigger the offer.

    Example: Choose a specific shipping method.

  7. Click the Show Preview Options tab at the top of the Preview page. See Preview Store attributes for a description of the attributes.
  8. Optional. Select a locale from the Locale list.
  9. If you select Set Status Control Together, select Live or Design. If you select Set Status Controls Individually, select Live or Design for each control element in the tabs.

  10. Click the Offers tab and complete the fields. The table shows the current (arbitrated) offers in your store. These offers match the Preview Status you selected.

  11. Optional. Choose one of the following options:

    Warning: If you defined offer behavior such as shopper usage limits or coupon codes, those restrictions also apply to a previewed offer.

    Example: If you enter a coupon code and place a test order in the preview, the system treats it the same as an active customer placing a real order. The system reduces the usage limits for the coupon code and offer.

    • To trigger an offer to override all other offers (if it meets the offer condition), click the Force win link in the Override column associated with the offer you want to trigger.
    • To remove the override on the offer (reset arbitration), click the Remove override link in the Override column associated with the offer you want to override.
    • To revert to the default arbitration, click the Revert to Default Arbitration link.
  12. Click Update Preview. The Preview page updates the store based on the selected options.

How to copy an offer

To copy an offer:

  1. Select Marketing, select Offers and Programs and then click Manage Offers. The Offers page appears.
  2. Click the name of an offer under the Name column in the Offers list. The Offer Details page appears.
  3. Click Copy Offer. The system creates a copy of the offer, renames it, and prepends COPY_OF_INDEX to the name of the copied offer.
  4. Click Edit to modify the offer, including changing the name of the copied offer and then click Save.

How to retire an offer

To retire an offer:

  1. Select Marketing, select Offers and Programs and then click Manage Offers. The Offers page appears.
  2. Click the name of an offer under the Name column in the Offers list. The Offer Details page appears.
  3. Click Retire Offer. The Retire Offer dialog appears.
  4. Click Yes. The Retired status appears at the end of the offer's name and a message indicates the offer was successfully retired.

How to view an offer's history

To view an offer's history:

  1. Select Marketing, select Offers and Programs and then click Manage Offers. The Offers page appears.
  2. Click the name of an offer under the Name column in the Offers list. The Offer Details page appears.
  3. Click View Offer History. The Offer History page appears and shows the history of the offer.
  4. To narrow the search of the history, enter a start and end date in the From Date and To Date fields and then click Search Search.