Managing offers

Use the Offers page to create offers, view offers to deploy and create site optimizer tests.

Offers taskbar

Button Description
Create Offer Create Offer Allows you to create an offer. See Creating offers for more information.
View Offers to Deploy View Offers to Deploy Allows you to view all undeployed offers in the Offers list.
Create Site Optimizer Test Create Site Optimizer Test Allows you to create a site optimizer test. See Creating a Site Optimizer test for more information.

Offers buttons

Button Description

Allows you to deploy one or more selected offers.

When you create or change an offer, the offer is not available to redeem on your site until you deploy it. (However, any previously deployed versions of the offer are still available.) You must deploy the offer every time you change the offer for that change to appear on your store. You can deploy one or several offers at the same time.

See How to deploy offers for more information.

Revert Changes

Allows you to revert the offer to the last set of deployed changes. Use this feature when you saved changes to the offer that you do not want to keep.

Important: When you revert changes, you essentially undo any changes made to the offer since you last deployed the offer. Only revert changes when you do not need to keep the offer on your site.

See How to revert changes to offers for additional information.

Copy Allows you to copy the current offer. See How to copy offers for more information.

Allows you to preview a selected offer in your store. You can preview offers while they are in any state(draft, deployed, and so on). If you want to see an offer with a future start date, you have to view it from the design version of your store.

See the following topics for more information:


You can retire an offer you no longer need. Offers remain active in your store until they expire (if you set an end date for the offer) or you retire them. Shoppers cannot see or redeem retired offers in your store. If you retire an offer and later decide to use it again, you must first copy the retired offer and then modify that copy to be a new offer. See How to retire an offer for more information.

View History

Allows you to view the change history for a selected offer.

See How to view an offer's history for more information.

Offers attributes

Attribute Description

This field shows the offer's ID. The system assigns the ID automatically when you create the offer. The system uses the ID to identify the offer in reporting. The ID may also appear when the shopper redeems an offer by clicking a link, banner ad, or other mechanisms.


This field shows the offer's name. The system uses the name internally. Customers will not see this name in your store.


This field shows the type of offer.


Understanding the status of your offer is essential to managing it effectively. Each status represents a different phase in the offer's lifecycle, from creation and deployment to its eventual expiration or retirement. Below, we detail an offer's various statuses and what each status signifies for your offer's availability and visibility to your customers. This comprehensive overview ensures you are well-informed to take the necessary actions at each stage of the offer lifecycle.

The offer's status can be one of the following:

  • Draft—When an offer is in draft state, it is unavailable to shoppers in your store. This status is the default when you do not deploy the offer.
  • Design—This status indicates that while someone applied changes to the deployed store offer, the undeployed changes are unavailable to shoppers. If you want shoppers to see these changes, deploy the changes.
  • Deployed—This status indicates that the offer is active and visible in your store, allowing shoppers to redeem it.
  • Retired—This offer is no longer available as it has been manually retired from your store. Although you cannot reactivate it, you can copy it to create a new offer.
  • Expired—This message indicates that the offer has expired and is no longer available for redemption in the store.
Parent Products The ID of the parent products associated with the offer. This value only appears when the offer is a bundle, cross-sell, or up-sell.
Child Products The ID of the child products associated with the offer. This value only appears when the offer is a bundle, cross-sell, or up-sell.
Parent Categories The ID of the parent category or categories associated with the offer. This value only appears if you set the offer up for one or more categories.
Child Categories The ID of the child category or categories associated with the offer. This value only appears if you set the offer up for one or more categories.
Coupon Code The coupon code associated with this offer. This value only appears for coupon code offers.
Points of Promotion Shows the point of promotion (POP) used by the offer.
Start Date Shows the first day when a shopper can redeem the offer in your store. See Start and end dates for more information.
End Date Shows the last day when a shopper can redeem the offer in your store. See Start and end dates for more information.
Created On Shows the date when you created the offer.

How to search for offers from the Offers page

To search for offers from the Offers page:

  1. Select Marketing, select Offers and Programs and then click Manager Offers. The Offers page appears.
  2. Complete the fields under Search and Filters, and then click Search Search. The search results appear in the Offers list.
  3. To view or edit an offer's details, click the link for the offer under the Name header. The Offer Details page appears.

How to deploy offers

Note: To deploy restricted offers. you need the Merchandising Deployment ManagerClosed This Global Commerce user role allows users to deploy offers for a site. role. See Restrict Deployment for more information.

To deploy offers:

  1. Select Marketing, select Offers and Programs and then click Manager Offers. The Offers page appears.
  2. Select one or more offers you want to deploy from the Offers list and click Deploy. A message appears and indicates the successful deployment of the offers.

How to revert changes to offers

If you change a deployed offer, the offer's status changes to Design. If you decide you do not want those changes, you can revert the offer to how it appeared when you deployed the last set of changes.

Important: When you revert changes, you essentially undo any changes made to the offer compare page theme since you last deployed the offer compare page theme. Only revert changes when you do not need to keep the offer compare page theme on your site.

To revert changes to offers:

  1. Select Marketing, select Offers and Programs and then click Manage Offers.
  2. Select the offer from the Offers list.
  3. Click Revert Changes. A message appears informing you that the offer was successfully reverted.

How to copy offers

To copy offers:

  1. Select Marketing, select Offers and Programs and then click Manage Offers. The Offers page appears.
  2. Select one or more offers from the Offers list and click Copy. A message appears indicating you successfully copied the offer. COPY_OF appears at the beginning of each new offer name.
  3. For each copied offer:

    1. Click the copied offer. The Offer Details page. See Managing offer details for information on how to define the offer settings.
    2. Apply the required changed to the new offer's settings and then click Save.
    3. Click Deploy Offer if you want the offer to appear on your site.

How to retire an offer

To retire an offer:

  1. Select Marketing, select Offers and Programs and then click Manage Offers. The Offers page appears.
  2. Select an offer from the Offers list and click Retire. One of the following events happens:

    • If you retire an offer that contains Point of Promotions materials, the Retire Offer(s) dialog appears. Click Yes if you want to remove the Point of Promotions materials associated with the offer or click No if you do not want to retire the offer. See Retiring coupon code offers for more information.

      Example: Coupon codes are Point of Promotion materials.

    • If you are retiring all other offers, a message appears when the offer is retired.

Retiring coupon code offers

When you retire a coupon code offer, a message appears that asks if you want to remove Points of Promotion-related materials. Releasing the Point of Promotion-related materials removes the coupon code associated with the retired offer.

If you choose not to release the coupon code when you first retire an offer, you can remove them later when you edit the offer. Buttons appear under the Coupon Codes pane on the Offer Details page that allows you to release the coupon codes and export the coupon codes. You could then import these coupon codes into another offer.

How to view an offer's history

To view an offer's history:

  1. Select Marketing, select Offers and Programs and then click Manage Offers. The Offers page appears.
  2. Click the name of an offer under the Name column in the Offers list. The Offer Details page appears.
  3. Click View History. The Offer History page appears and shows the offer's history.
  4. To narrow the search of the history, enter a start and end date in the From Date and To Date fields and then click Search Search.