Localizing offers

Most stores support multiple locales. When you create an offer, you can customize the offer for a specific locale or audience. You want to localize offers because language and currency differences can affect the offer's discount and content.

When you localize an offer, specify the default currency you want to use in the Products pane under the Associating products and pricing with the offer step in the Create Offer wizard. Then complete the fields in the Configuring the offer's content step.

Example: You could localize an offer so that the offer text and pricing support both the English and French locales within Canada. To create an offer in English and French, add the descriptive text and images in French and English locale tabs and set up pricing for the Canadian Dollar (and possibly the United States Dollar).

Note: If the offer you want to localize applies a discount to specific products, you should also localize the products supported by the offer. See About localized products for more information. Localizing the product and the offer allow the shopper to see localized offer information and product information.

The offer's display content appears in the POP associated with the offer. Localized content only appears for offers that use a POP. When a shopper views an offer, they see the display content for their locale. If an offer does not use a POP, you cannot enter display content for supported locales, but you can enter content for the default locale.

See the following topics for more information on localizing offers: