Configuring site settings

Use the Configure Site Settings page to configure your site's settings. These site settings control which features appear in your store and how your store behaves or operates. The settings available to you depend on your user roles and the template your store uses.

The following list explains why some settings may not appear on this page:

If you need assistance changing a setting, contact your Store Operations team.

Changes you apply to the site settings take effect immediately.

General tab

Attribute Description



Site Information

Use the Site Information settings to enter your site and company name, as you want it to appear to shoppers in your store. See Site settings and Site Information for more information.

Site Name

Enter the name of your store, as you want it to appear to shoppers.

Company Display Name

Enter the name of your company, as you want it to appear to shoppers.

Site Status

Site Status

Shows the status of the site.

Store Builder Version

Design Pro (Forge)

Choose one of the following options:

  • On
  • Off

Domain Services

Use the Domain Services settings to set up the virtual domain settings for your store. You must specify that you want to use a virtual domain in your contract. Before you try to use a virtual domain, contact Digital River. See Site settings and Domain Services for more information.

Custom URL

Allows you to customize your Store Builder promotional links. Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—Choose this option if you want to customize your Store Builder promotional links during the promotional link creation process.
  • Disabled


Select the domain you want to use as your default domain.


Shows the available domains for your site.


Add a virtual domain.

Note: Adding or deleting virtual domains require contractual updates.

Virtual Domain

Enter the domain name for the virtual domain. Storefront Links uses this domain when generating hyperlinks for your site.

This field appears when you click Add.

Restrict Current Domain to Allowed Sites Only

Select this checkbox if you want to restrict the domain specified in the Virtual Domain field to only show sites associated with the domain and company. This prevents shoppers from changing the site ID in the URL to show another site if that site is not associated with the virtual domain.

This field appears when you click Add.

Redirect Actions

If you selected the Restrict Current Domain to Allowed Sites Only checkbox, you must choose an option that defines how you want to restrict access. Your options are as follows:

  • Always Use Virtual Domain for Redirects—When a shopper tries to view a site within your virtual domain that is not your site (or associated with the virtual domain), the system redirects the shopper to the Home page for the virtual domain you specified in the Virtual Domain field.
  • Use Specific URL for Redirects—When a shopper tries to view a site within your virtual domain that is not your site (or associated with the virtual domain), the system redirects the shopper to the URL you specified in the Specific URL field.

This field appears when you click Add.

Use Specific URL for Redirects

Enter the URL where you want shoppers redirected to if they try to view a site from your virtual domain that is not associated with your site and/or company.

This field appears when you select the Use Specific URL for Redirects option.

Delete Delete one or more selected virtual domains.

Help Pages

The Help Pages settings determine the type of help information available to a shopper on your site. See Site settings and Help Pages for more information.

Note: Any changes made to this section may take up to 2 hours to appear on your site.

Backup Media FAQs

Select this checkbox if you want a shopper to view the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that relate to backup CDs.

Extended Download Services (EDS) FAQs

Select this check box if you want a shopper to view the FAQs that relate to the Extended Download Service (EDS).


Choose one of the following options:

  • Physical Delivery FAQs—Choose this option if you want a shopper to view help information on the physical shipment.
  • Download Delivery FAQs—Choose this option if you want a shopper to view help information on digital delivery.
  • Physical and Download Delivery FAQs—Choose this option if you want a shopper to view help information on orders that combine digital delivery with a physical shipment.

    Example: A shopper buys the physical software CD and chooses to select digital delivery.

Checkout tab

Attribute Description

Address Restrictions

The Address Restrictions settings allow you to configure restrictions, based on the client's specifications, that prevents a shopper from entering a shipping address or billing address that violates the site's delivery restrictions.

Example: You can define a restriction that prevents the shopper from including their PO Box in the Street Address (Line 1).

Note: Address restrictions only to apply to implementations that include physical products.

Deny Based on Street Address (Line 1)

Allows you to choose to deny billing or shipping based on a shopper's billing or shipping address. Choose one or more of the following options:

  • Billing—Select this option to deny billing to a restricted address.
  • Shipping—Select this option to deny shipping to a restricted address.

Denied Words in Billing Addresses

Enter up to 50 lines of words, phrases, symbols or addresses that will result in a denial of the billing address, one on each line. The system denies billing to any shopper’s street address (line 1) that contains one or more of these terms.

Denied Words in Shipping Addresses

Enter up to 50 lines of words, phrases, symbols or addresses that will result in a denial of shipping address, one on each line. The system denies shipping to any shopper’s street address (line 1) that contains one or more of these terms.

Deny Based on City

Allows you to choose to deny billing or shipping based on a shopper's billing or shipping city. Choose one or more of the following options:

  • Billing—Select this option to deny billing to a restricted city.
  • Shipping—Select this option to deny shipping to a restricted city.

Denied Billing Cities

Enter up to 50 lines of words, phrases, symbols or names that will result in a denial of billing address, one on each line. The system denies billing to any shopper’s city that contains one or more of these terms.

Denied Shipping Cities

Enter up to 50 lines of words, phrases, symbols or names that will result in a denial of the shipping address, one on each line. The system denies shipping to any shopper’s city that contains one or more of these terms.

Deny Based on Postal Code

Allows you to deny billing or shipping based on a shopper's billing or shipping postal code. Choose one or more of the following options:

  • Billing—Select this option to deny billing to a restricted postal code.
  • Shipping—Select this option to deny shipping to a restricted postal code.

Denied Billing Postal Codes

Enter up to 50 postal codes that will result in a denial of billing address, one on each line. The system denies billing to any shopper’s postal codes that contain any of these codes.

Denied Shipping Postal Codes

Enter up to 50 postal codes that will result in a denial of the shipping address, one on each line. The system denies shipping to any shopper’s postal codes that contain any of these codes.

Address Validation

Use the Address Validation settings to indicate what validation service you want to use to verify addresses when shoppers place an order in your store. When a shopper enters an address (and you enabled address validation), the site validates the address and the format. This helps reduce the number of undelivered shipments due to bad addresses or rejected payments due to an unverified billing address. See Site settings and Address Validation for more information.


Choose the service you want to use. Your options are as follows:

  • Verazip
  • Standard Address Validation
  • None


Choose one or more of the following options:

  • Billing—Select this option if you want to validate the billing addresses during checkout.
  • Shipping—Select this option if you want to validate the shipping addresses during checkout.


Use the Authentication settings to require shoppers to sign in to your store and authenticate themselves before they can browse your products or make a purchase. See Site settings and Authentication for more information.


Select whether or not you want to enable the authentication feature for your store.

  • Enabled—Access to the store requires authentication. Users must sign in.
  • Disabled—Access to the store does not require authentication.

Default Action

Choose the page that the system will redirect to when they try to enter your site without authenticating themselves. The action usually corresponds to a specific page, such as a Login page or Contact Us page.

Select Enabled for Authentication to enable this list.


Select the actions you want to exclude from authentication. Shoppers can perform the selected actions regardless of whether or not they sign in to your store.


Use the Checkout settings to choose what elements you want to appear in the shopping cart and whether you want to force shoppers to create an account with your site before they can complete their purchase. Conversely, you can also allow shoppers to shop anonymously. See Site settings and Checkout for more information.

Checkout Type

Choose one of the following options:

  • Account Creation—Choose this option when you want the shopper to create an account with your site to place an order.
  • Anonymous—Choose this option when you want to allow the customer to place an order without having to create an account.
  • Both—Choose this option to allow shoppers to choose whether to create an account on your site or check out anonymously.


Select how you want to create accounts on your site. You can choose one or more of the following options:

  • Company Name Field—Shows a field where a shopper can enter the name of their company.
  • Division Field—Shows a field where a shopper can enter the division where they work in the company.
  • Fax Number Field—Shows a field where the shopper can enter their fax number.
  • Work Number Field—Shows a field where the shopper can enter their work phone number.
  • State/Province Field—Shows a field where a shopper can enter the name of the state or province in which they reside.
  • Birth Date Field—Shows a field where the shopper can enter their birth date.
  • End User Address Section—Shows a field where the shopper can enter an alternate address.

    • Reseller Site—Select this option if this is a reseller site. When selected, this option indicates that the reseller gives Digital River permission to send email notifications to the end user about the reseller purchase (pricing does not appear in the email).
  • Require Anonymous Password Field—Shows a field where the user can enter their password.
  • Save My Info Check Box—Shows a checkbox that a user can select when they want to save their information for the session. When you select this option, you need to specify the Default Value. 

    • Default Value—The default value for the Save My Info checkbox. Your options are as follows:

      • On—When you select On, the system selects the checkbox by default.
      • Off—When you select Off, the system clears the checkbox by default.
  • Allow PayPal as saved Payment Method—Allows the shopper to select PayPal as their preferred payment method.

Terms of Sale Acceptance

Select how you want terms of sales acceptance to work in your store. Your options are as follows:

CVV Code

Select whether you want to require a CVV code for credit card orders. Your options are as follows:

  • Always required for every purchase on store—Select this option when Digital River is the Reseller of Record.
  • Never have CVV on for store—Select this option if the sites are located in the European Union (EU).
  • Only require once, then never require after that—Select this option if you only want to require a CVV code for the first purchase but not for subsequent purchases.

    Note: If you select the option, the shopper enters the CVV code once and then never again with repeat purchases. This feature requires some site design work. If you do not update your site design, this could affect commerce in your store.


Use the Flow settings to control the pages you want to use when a shopper checks out. There are several types of checkout flows available, and each one has different pages specific to that flow. See Site settings and Flow for more information.

Checkout Flow

Lists the available checkout flows in your store.

Default Checkout Flow

Determines which checkout flow your store uses by default.

Enable for Site

Determines which checkout flows your store can use.

Request Estimate

Use the Request Estimate settings to provide a quote feature for the price guarantee. See Site settings and Request Estimate for more information.

Request Estimate

When you enable this feature on your site, it adds a Request Estimate button to the shopping cart. Shoppers can click the button to request so that shoppers can get an estimate of the contents in their cart. Estimates do not guarantee the pricing of the items in the shopping cart, they only save the contents of the cart so the shopper can return to your store and place an order.

  • Enabled—Select this option if you want to allow the buyer to request an estimate through the shopping cart.
  • Disabled—Select this option if you do not want to allow shoppers to request an estimate through the shopping cart.

To learn more about estimates, see Site settings and Request Estimate.

Order Limit

You can choose to limit the number of orders a shopper can place for the same estimate. Choose one of the following options:

  • Single—Select this option if you want to limit the number of orders a shopper can place from an estimate to a single order.
  • Unlimited—Select this option if you want to allow shoppers to place multiple orders form the same estimate.

Set Estimate Expiration

Choose how long the estimate will be valid after the system creates it. How long an estimate stays valid determines how long a shopper can access that estimate and place an order from that estimate. Your options are as follows:

  • 365 days after creation date
  • Custom—Specify the number of days the estimate will remain valid after the creation date.

Send Reminder Email

Select whether you want to send a reminder email to a shopper who requested an estimate if they did not place an order from that estimate. Your options are as follows:

  • No reminder
  • Remind recipient—Specify the number of days after the creation date when the system will send a reminder email. Note that the system will send only one reminder.

Display "Contact me..."Checkbox

Select whether you want a checkbox to appear when shoppers request an estimate that allows shoppers to ask customer service or sales to contact the shopper (via phone or email) regarding their estimate. Your options are as follows:

  • No—The shopper cannot select a checkbox when they want a Company representative to contact them.
  • Yes—Allows the shopper to select a checkbox when they want a Company Representative to contact them. When you select this option, the Company Representative field appears.

Company Representative

Enter the email address of the person (or persons, if you enter a distribution list) that will provide assistance with the estimate and answers questions regarding the estimate. The email address you enter should be the person (or persons) who can work with the shopper to complete their purchase. This is not the person who contacts the shopper if the shopper selects the Contact Me checkbox.

Restore Cart Contents

If a shopper does not complete the order and visits your store again, the system restores the contents of their shopping cart based on your settings here. Shopping cart contents can contain products and offers. See Site settings and Restore Cart Contents for more information.


Use the toggle to enable or disable the restoration of products in the shopping cart.

  • ON—Restores products to the shopping cart when the customer returns to your store.
  • OFF—Clears the products from the shopping cart when the shopper returns to your store.

User-Triggered Offers

Use the toggle to enable or disable the restoration of promo URL and coupon code triggers in the shopping cart.

  • ON—Restores promo URL and coupon code triggers to the shopping cart when the customer returns to your store.
  • OFF—Clears the promo URL and coupon code triggers from the shopping cart when the shopper returns to your store.

Offer Settings Reconciliation

Allows you to reconcile restored items with the system based on latest offer settings.

  • Enabled—Reconciles restored offers with the system based on the latest offer settings.
  • Disabled—Does not reconcile restored offers with the system based on the latest offer settings.

Restore Cart Contents Up To

Specify how many days after creation you want to retain the contents of a shopping cart.

This field appears when you select ON for Products.

Shopper Restrictions

The Shopper Restrictions setting determines whether minimum and maximum purchase restrictions are set by line item or across the line items in the shopping cart. See Site settings and Shopper Restrictions for more information.

Restriction Level

Choose how you want to enforce purchase restrictions. Your options are as follows.

  • Product (Across Line Items)—Select this option if you want to use the total number of a product in the shopping cart to enforce the restriction.

    Example: If you set the maximum purchase restriction to two, and a shopper adds the same product to the shopping cart three times, the shopper cannot complete the order because the total number of product items in the shopping cart (in this case three) exceeds the purchase restrictions.

  • Line Item—Select this option if you want to enforce purchase restrictions on a per line item basis. This option enforces purchase restrictions per single line item.

    Example: If you set a maximum purchase restriction of two, the shopper could add the same product to the shopping cart multiple times and not be restricted unless the shopper changed the quantity of one of those line items to exceed two (the number set for the maximum purchase restriction).

Product Restrictions

Choose whether you want to enable product restrictions.

  • Enabled—Allows you to configure products purchase restrictions.
  • Disabled—Does not allow you to configure products with purchase restrictions.

Cart Item Limit

When you enable Cart Item Limit, Global Commerce will validate against the Maximum items per cart each time the shopper adds a new item, ensuring an optimal order size and improving the processing performance. If adding a new item exceeds the configured limit, Global Commerce will not add the item to the cart, and Commerce API will throw a 403 Forbidden error code. The Maximum items per cart setting is off by default.

Note: The Cart Item Limit attribute only works for a Commerce API environment, not in a Global Commerce-hosted environment.

To limit the number of items in the cart, select the Cart Item Limit checkbox and enter a number in the Maximum Items per cart field.

  • Maximum items per cart—Enter a natural number from 1-100. This value is required if you select the Cart Item Limit checkbox. For product bundles, note that Global Commerce counts each component as one line item.

Event Notifications tab

Use the Event Notifications tab to configure post-order notifications (PON). See How to configure Event Notifications settings for instructions.

Attribute Description

Returns tab

Auto Created Line Item Level Return Product

The Auto Created Line Item Level Return Product event occurs when a product shipped to a customer cannot be delivered to the specified shipping address. Consequently, the product is automatically returned to the fulfiller. This event typically results from a failed CancelRequest, indicating that the cancellation process was initiated but ultimately did not succeed before the item was shipped out. In such scenarios, the system automatically generates a return for the specific line item, facilitating smoother return processing and improved operational efficiency.

Cancel Request Return Product

The Cancel Request Return Product event occurs when a customer returns a product they initially intended to cancel but received. This situation arises due to a failed CancelRequest, where the customer initiated the cancellation process but was not successfully executed before the product was dispatched. In such instances, the customer returns the product upon its delivery. This type of return is critical to understand as it reflects areas where the cancellation process can be improved to prevent unnecessary shipping and returns, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Line Item Level Return Product

The Line Item Level Return Product event occurs when a customer initiates a return at the individual product line item level due to service-related issues. Examples of such issues include receiving an incorrect product. This event is categorized under ReturnType specifically for line item returns.

Purpose: The event aims to address and rectify incidences where the product delivered does not match the customer's order, enhancing customer satisfaction by facilitating a smooth return process.

Key points:

  • Triggered by service-related issues such as incorrect product delivery.

  • Facilitates a focused return process at the line item level.

  • Helps in streamlining returns processing and improving operational efficiency.

Replacement Product Return

The Replacement Product Return event is triggered when a customer receives a damaged product and initiates a return. Unlike typical returns, the focus here is replacing the damaged item rather than providing a monetary refund. This event falls under a specific ReturnType designated for situations where the aim is to exchange the damaged product with an undamaged equivalent, ensuring that the customer receives what they initially purchased without any financial reimbursement being involved.

Key characteristics:

  • Initiated due to receiving a damaged product.

  • No monetary refund is provided.

  • The primary aim is to replace the damaged product with a new, undamaged one.

Replacement Return

Replacement Return is initiated when a customer receives a damaged product and decides to return it. In these cases, the customer is not seeking a monetary refund but a direct replacement of the damaged item. This return type falls within a specific category focusing on exchanging the damaged product for a new, undamaged version, thus ensuring that the customer's initial purchase intention is fulfilled without any financial transactions for the return.

  • Trigger: Receiving a damaged product.

  • Objective: To replace the damaged item with an undamaged equivalent.

  • Return type (ReturnType): No monetary transaction; the aim is a direct product exchange.

Refunds tab

The Refunds tab provides a comprehensive list of the different refund events in an eCommerce platform. This section details each event, ranging from customer-initiated cancellations to refunds due to overpayments or price adjustments. Understanding these scenarios is essential for managing financial transactions efficiently and ensuring customer satisfaction. This guide will walk you through each type of refund, their triggers, and how they are processed, enabling you to handle refunds confidently and effectively.

Cancellation Refund

A Cancellation Refund event occurs when an order is cancelled before fulfillment and has a settled payment. This type of refund is generated by the system for orders that have been cancelled, including both delayed settled orders and auto settle settled orders. This refund event is particularly used for line item returns set up due to a failed CancelRequest.

CPG Initiated Satisfaction Refund

A CPG Initiated Satisfaction Refund is issued by Customer Service through the central payment gateway (CPG). This type of refund is used when other means of refund are not feasible, requiring intervention from Customer Service. The Commerce Operation Manager, unable to issue a refund through standard procedures, contacts Customer Service which then executes the refund using the CPG refund screen. This refund represents the ReturnType for satisfaction refunds initiated via CPG, showcasing a direct approach to handling special refund circumstances.

Line Item Level Issuer Refund

The bank or card issuer initiates the Line Item Level Issuer Refund o address specific line items within an order. This type of refund is generated outside the standard Global Commerce platform processes and reconciled through the central payment gateway (CPG). It signifies a direct intervention by the financial institution, typically when there's a dispute, error, or need to adjust a particular line item of an order. This refund category underscores the importance of external financial entities in the refund process, ensuring accuracy and customer satisfaction at the line item level.

Line Item Level Satisfaction Refund

A Line Item Level Satisfaction Refund is initiated by Customer Service to resolve issues at the granularity of an individual line item within an order. This type of refund is typically issued when a customer has received a damaged or incorrect product. The objective is to ensure customer satisfaction by addressing and rectifying specific issues related to particular items in an order without affecting the entirety of the transaction.

Order Level Issuer Refund

An Order Level Issuer Refund is a refund initiated by the bank or card issuer through the central payment gateway (CPG). This type of refund addresses the entire order and is typically triggered outside the Global Commerce platform. It represents the ReturnType for returns reconciled when an Issuer Refund from CPG occurs. It highlights direct financial institution intervention in the refund process for the whole order, ensuring accuracy and maintaining customer satisfaction.

Order Level Satisfaction Refund

Customer Service initiates an Order Level Satisfaction Refund to fulfill a customer’s satisfaction in instances such as receiving a damaged product. This type of refund addresses issues on an order-wide basis rather than targeting individual items within the order. It represents a specific ReturnType for returns processed when reconciling an Order Level Issuer Refund from the central payment gateway (CPG) initiated outside the Global Commerce platform. This approach ensures customer satisfaction by accurately addressing and rectifying concerns affecting an order.

Order Level Suppress Refund

The Order Level Suppress Refund is a system-generated refund event for an order after a fraud suppression has been identified and Digital River has collected the funds. This type of refund occurs when fraud suppression is activated after the funds are settled or cleared, prompting the system to initiate a refund immediately. This ensures that any potentially fraudulent transactions are quickly addressed and rectified, maintaining the integrity of the financial transactions on the platform.

Overpayment Difference Refund

An Overpayment Difference Refund is a manual refund will be issued if a customer reports an overpayment to Digital River Customer Service, which can occur with payment methods such as Wire Transfer. Unlike other refund events, the system does not automatically generate a refund based on the overpayment event itself. It represents the ReturnType for a return created specifically to refund the overpaid amount, ensuring that customers are only charged the correct amount for their purchases.

Price Adjustment Refund

Customer Service issues a Price Adjustment Refund to match the price of a product when another retailer offers the same product at a lower price. This can happen in cases such as customers requesting a price match for a recently purchased item or if a customer has pre-ordered a product and its price drops before its release. This refund ensures customers receive the best possible deal, aligning the purchase price with current market rates.

Refund Credit Complete

The customer received credit for the refund. The Refund Credit Complete event signifies the completion of the refund process, where the refunded amount has been successfully credited back to the customer's account. This step is crucial in ensuring customer satisfaction by confirming that the refund has been processed and the funds are available to the customer.

Replacement Refund

A Replacement Refund is issued when a customer requests a replacement for a product, but the product is out of stock, making the replacement impossible. In such cases, a refund is made available to the customer rather than providing a replacement. Importantly, this type of refund does not necessitate the return of the product to initiate the refund process. This refund category falls under the ReturnType for returns resulting from an unfulfilled replacement request due to inventory constraints, signifying that a refund mechanism is activated as a resolution.

Return Receipt Created

The Return Receipt Created marks the event when a returned physical product is received and acknowledged by the fulfillment department, leading to the initiation of the refund process for the product. This event is critical in tracking and managing the return and refund cycle, ensuring that customers are refunded promptly upon the successful return of merchandise.

Review Refund

A Review Refund event occurs when Customer Service issues a refund through a central payment gateway (CPG). This type of refund is typically enacted when a Commerce Operation Manager cannot process the refund through standard means and thus contacts Customer Service for resolution. The refund is executed using the CPG refund screen, ensuring the customer receives it efficiently and securely.

Tax Exempt Refund

A Tax Exempt Refund event occurs when Customer Service issues a tax refund to a client who has proven their tax-exempt status. This process usually involves the client providing documentation of their tax exemption, such as an email confirmation, after which Customer Service processes and issues the refund accordingly.

Line Item Level tab

The Line Item Level tab lists events that provide detailed insight into individual product or service transactions within an order. This section is designed to help users and customer service representatives track each line item's status, from backorder to completion. Understanding these statuses is essential for managing inventory, fulfilling orders accurately, and providing timely customer updates. Here, you'll find various states a line item can take, such as back-ordered, cancelled, or pending fulfillment. This granular view ensures precise order management and enhances the overall efficiency of eCommerce operations.


Choose one or more of the following line item level checkboxes:

  • Select All: Select this checkbox to choose all line item level event notifications.

  • Line Item Back Ordered: This Line Item Back Ordered event indicates that the product associated with the line item is not in stock and has been placed on backorder. This means the item will be fulfilled and shipped to the customer as soon as it becomes available. The line item remains in a BackOrdered state until the fulfiller can proceed with the order fulfillment process.

  • Line Item Cancel Complete: The Line Item Cancel Complete event signifies that the cancellation process for a specific line item within an order has been successfully completed. This scenario may arise for various reasons, such as customer requests, stock unavailability, or an error in order processing. Once a line item is designated as "Cancel Complete," it indicates that it will no longer be processed or shipped. Any charges related to it are generally voided or refunded. This status helps customer service representatives and customers keep track of changes to the order and ensures transparency in the fulfillment process.

  • Line Item Cancel State: The Line Item Cancel State event indicates that a specific line item within an order has entered the cancellation phase, but the process has not yet been completed. This state may occur when the customer, customer service representative, or fulfillment entity initiates an order or line item cancellation for various reasons such as stock issues or customer preference. In this state, the line item is pending completion of the cancelation process. It has not yet reached the "Cancel Complete" status, where it is officially marked as canceled and no longer eligible for fulfillment or shipping.

  • Line Item Complete: The Line Item Complete event signifies that a specific line item within an order has been successfully fulfilled. This status is achieved when the product or service associated with the line item has been delivered or rendered to the customer, meeting the criteria for fulfillment. At this point, the line item is considered finalized in the order process, and no further action related to shipment or delivery is required. This event is crucial for tracking the progress of an order and ensuring that all components have been addressed and completed as expected.

  • Line Item Electronic Pending Fulfillment: The Line Item Electronic Pending Fulfillment event occurs when a digital line item within an order has not yet been fulfilled. It signifies that although the order has been placed, the process of delivering or providing access to the digital content or service associated with the line item is still pending. This status is specifically relevant for transactions involving digital goods, such as software, e-books, or online services, where physical fulfillment is not applicable.

  • Line Item Pending Fulfillment: The Line Item Pending Fulfillment event indicates that the fulfillment process for a specific line item within an order is yet to be completed. This status applies to physical goods awaiting shipment and digital products awaiting delivery or activation. It highlights that the order has been acknowledged, but the necessary steps to provide the product or service to the customer have not been finalized. This is a critical stage in order management, signaling that action is required to progress the order toward completion.

  • Line Item Suppressed: A Line Item Suppressed event occurs when a product associated with a specific line item in an order is suppressed due to suspected fraudulent activity. This event highlights the action taken on individual line items within an order, signifying that the product has been removed or the transaction for that specific item has been halted to prevent potential fraud. This status is critical for safeguarding both the merchant and the customer from fraudulent transactions, ensuring the integrity of the order processing system.


Payment tab

Delayed Payment Cancel

Customer Service cancelled a delayed payment.

Payment Credit

Customer Service sent a payment credit.

Order Level tab

The Order Level tab lists events that serve as a comprehensive platform for tracking the overall status of an order within our system. The events provide essential information on order progression from when it is placed until its completion. This tab is crucial for overseeing the lifecycle of an order, including any disputes, cancellations, or risk assessments that may arise. These event notifications help manage customer expectations, handle inquiries, and maintain the ordering process's integrity.

Ordered Cancelled

The Order Cancelled event occurs when an existing order is canceled either by the fulfiller or by a customer service representative. The cancellation stops all processing and fulfillment activities for the order, effectively ending its lifecycle within the system and ensuring the fulfiller will not complete the orders for various reasons, such as customer retraction or fraud detection, to maintain the integrity of the transaction process.

Example: The customer decides they no longer want the product and contacts customer service, who cancels the order.

Order Complete

The Order Complete event signifies that an order has reached its conclusion successfully. This state is achieved once the order has been placed and all aspects of its fulfillment process have been executed without issues. The ordered product or service has been delivered to the customer per the agreed terms.

Example: An order for a laptop is placed on the website, and after processing and shipment, the laptop is delivered to the customer, marking the order as complete.

Order In Process

The Order in Review event indicates that we are currently working on the order. This state occurs after an order has been placed but before all elements of its fulfillment have been completed. The order is in a transitional phase toward completion.

Example: Example: After placing an order for a set of headphones, the order's status is updated to "In Process" as it undergoes preparation for shipment.

Order In Review

The Order in Review event represents a critical evaluation step in the order processing cycle, specifically targeting fraud prevention. During this phase, an order undergoes a thorough review by the Digital River Fraud Review team to identify potential fraudulent activities. Various types of reviews may take place, including:

  • OrderLevelHoldDplReview: A deep look into the details of an order to ensure its legitimacy.

  • OrderLevelHoldDelayedFraud: An assessment for delayed indicators of fraud that might not be immediately evident.

  • OrderLevelHoldFraudError: Investigation of any errors or anomalies that suggest fraudulent activities.

The outcome of this review can significantly impact the order's progression toward fulfillment, prioritizing the safety and security of transactions.

Order Placed

The Order Placed event occurs immediately after a shopper has successfully completed the ordering process. During this stage, the shopper's order is confirmed and readied for subsequent processing, including transferring the order details to the operational data store for further processing. At this point, the order journey through fraud prevention review, risk assessment, and fulfillment preparations begins. This stage is critical for ensuring that all order details are accurate and ready for the next steps in the order processing cycle.

Order Risk

The Order Risk event occurs when an order shows potential signs of fraudulent activity. This step in the order processing cycle involves a comprehensive review and risk assessment to identify and address any suspicious elements that may indicate fraud. The review process aims to prevent fraudulent transactions and minimize financial losses for the business. Depending on the findings, we may temporarily hold, further investigate, or, in some cases, cancel an order to safeguard the business and its customers.

Order Shipped

The Order Shipped event signifies that the fulfiller shipped the order to the customer. This critical stage in the order processing cycle indicates that the packaging and shipping preparations are complete and the order is on its way to the delivery address specified by the shopper. The event confirms the transition of the order status to 'shipped,' signaling that the products have left the warehouse or fulfillment center and are in transit to the customer. This event is crucial for the business and the customer, as it indicates the order's progress and expected delivery timeline.

Order Submitted

The Order Submitted event occurs immediately after the customer successfully places an order and marks the completion of the order placement process, indicating the transference of the order details from the order taker to the operational data store. At this stage, further processing activities, such as shopper notifications, are initiated to inform the customer about the order's progress. This event is crucial as it signals the start of the order fulfillment process, setting into motion the series of steps required to prepare and dispatch the customer's order.

Other tab

The Other tab lists events that encapsulate transactional events that do not fit neatly into the conventional payment or order processing categories. It includes special cases and exceptional conditions that may arise during the lifecycle of an order. Understanding these events is crucial for effectively navigating and managing the complexities of eCommerce operations. This section provides insights into handling these unique cases, ensuring customer satisfaction and operational efficiency are maintained.

Order Dispute Chargeback

A bank initiates the Order Dispute Chargeback event when a customer disputes a charge on their order, leading to a chargeback for various reasons, such as unauthorized transactions or disputes over the received goods or services. The event marks the start of an evaluation process of the disputed transaction to determine whether to reverse the charge. This critical event impacts financial reporting and customer relations, necessitating prompt and appropriate action to resolve the dispute and, if possible, retain customer goodwill.

Order Level Suppress

The Order Level Suppress event occurs when the Digital River Fraud Operations team cancels orders for reasons such as suspected fraud or other business-related concerns. When suppression happens, especially on delayed or settled orders, a "Suppression Refund" return type is generated to ensure the appropriate handling of financial implications, safeguarding the business's and customers' interests.

Features tab

Attribute Description

Backup Media

Provides shoppers the option to purchase a physical version of a download product while in the shopping cart.

Backup Media

Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—Select this option if you want to allow the shopper to purchase a physical version of a download product while in the shopping cart. If Backup Media is enabled, additional work will be required to have Backup Media work correctly on the store. Contact your Store Operations Manager for more information.

  • Disabled—Select this option if you do not want to use the Backup Media feature.

Target Segments

Target segments allow you to choose which products should use the configurations you create for your Backup Media.

  • Enabled—Configurations can either be targeted for purchases of selected products or mass marketed.

  • Disabled—Configurations can only be mass marketed.

Bought - Also Bought

Displays the "Bought - Also Bought" section on the store.

This feature requires additional Site Design work for the list to appear in your store.

See Site settings and Bought - Also Bought for more information.

Bought - Also Bought

Note: This feature is currently unavailable.

Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Maximum Products

Choose the maximum number of products to display on your store. This field appears when you enable the feature.

E-Invoice for Taiwan

This setting allows the site to issue e-invoices and upload related data to the government's e-invoice platform. The e-invoice is also known as the electronic Government Uniform Invoice (eGUI).

E-Invoice for Taiwan

Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Global Tax ID Management

Global Tax ID Management allows the site to collect and validate the shopper's tax IDs for all countries where Digital River has business ties.

Global Tax ID Management

Choose one of the following options:
  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Shopper Type

You can define which shopper types should be displayed on the Billing page for the shopper to select. Your options are as follows:'

  • Personal and Business
  • Personal Only
  • Business Only

Home Page Search Engine Optimization

Use the Home Page Search Engine Optimization settings to control how your store appears in a search engine's search results and the keywords associated with your store for search. The settings you enter here pertain to your store's home page. You can also use search engine optimization with custom pages, categories, and products. See Site settings and Home Page Search Engine Optimization for more information.

Note: This setting will not work in your store if you disinherited the header in your template.

Title Tag

The text for the link that appears when the product appears in the search results. The title appears as the primary link in the search results. The maximum recommended length is 70 characters.

Meta Description

Enter the description that the shopper sees under the text link in the search results. Use this text to describe or promote your store or brand, identify the products you sell, or the reason why a shopper might visit your site. The recommended length is 150 characters.

Meta Keywords

The words you expect a shopper to enter in a search engine. These words describe your products or store.

Note: Do not use punctuation when entering words in this field.

Enter keywords that describe the contents of the page and appear on the page.

The recommended maximum number of words is 7.

Input Tax-Inclusive Shipping Cost

While this feature is enabled, the system will handle input shipping costs based on the tax-inclusive flag of the price list. When the toggle is OFF, the shipping and handling fee will always be tax exclusive. When the toggle is ON, it will refer to the configured price list as follows:

  • If the price list is tax inclusive, then the shipping and handling fee is tax inclusive.
  • If the price list is tax exclusive, then the shipping and handling fee is tax exclusive.

Master Toggle for eFinancing

This setting allows the site to toggle between the existing (old) Term Codes implementation used by Global Commerce-hosted sites and the new Term Code Service implementation used by the Commerce API. This Master Toggle will be used by Term codes, Disclosure, Enable Multiple Terms, and Products.

Master Toggle

Choose one of the following options:
  • GC-Hosted—Use the existing (old) Term Codes implementation used by Global Commerce-hosted sites.
  • Term Code Service—Use the new Term Code Service implementation used by the Commerce API.

Compare Pages

Enables the Compare Page features on the Storefront menu so you can create compare pages by category and locale. Compare pages my require additional Site Design work.

See Site settings and Compare Pages for more information.

Compare Pages

Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Maximum Number of Products to Compare

Choose the maximum number of products that a shopper can compare at one time. This field appears when you enable the feature.

Payment Information Attributes

Controls various payment-related settings and options.

Specify Credit Card Payment Attributes

Allows Payments Managers to customize the behavior of credit cards.

Enable 3D Secure Shopper Authentication?

Allows you to enable or disable 3D Secure authentication. 3D Secure authentication provides security for both retailers and customers who are shopping online.

Suppress Zero Dollar Authorizations?

Allows you to enable or disable the suppression of zero dollar authorization. When you disable the suppression of zero dollar authorization, you can verify a card by sending a zero dollar authorization request. Note that some issuing banks do not support the zero dollar authorization and reject the charge request even if the card details are accurate.

Convert Auto Renewal To Manual On Zero Dollar Auth Failure?

When enabled and a zero dollar authorization fails, the system automatically converts Auto Renewal to Manual Renewal.

Save my CC site (default)

When selected, the Save my CC site (default) checkbox automatically saves the shopper's credit card information for future transactions. This option is enabled by default for the shopper's convenience, ensuring a faster checkout process on subsequent visits.

Enable Save CC Opt In and Opt Out

This feature lets shoppers choose whether shoppers can save their credit card information for future transactions. When enabled, shoppers can choose one of the following options during the checkout process:

  • Save CC Opt In: When enabled, the system saves both the shopper's payment method and the billing address associated with the payment method by default for future transactions without giving the shopper an option.

  • Opt Out: If shoppers can choose not to save their credit card information.

Specify Delayed Payment Information for a Site

Allows Payments Managers to customize behaviors for delayed fulfillment payment methods.

Delayed Payment Threshold Percentage

Enter the percentage for the delayed payment threshold.

Check Payment Clearance Period

Enter the number of days allowed for the check to clear and for the bank to receive the funds.

Delayed Payment Notification Days

Enter the number of days allows for a delayed payment notification.

Specify Line of Credit Information for Site

Allows Payments Managers to specify who to inform when there are new applications for Client Credit Plus accounts.

Recipient for pending LoC account notification (client MOR only)

Allows the Payments Managers to designate who receives a notification when there are new applications for Client Credit Plus accounts.


See Site settings and Preorders for more information.

Preorder Authorization

Choose one of the following options:

  • When Order is placed—May lead to multiple authorizations and consumer questions.
  • When product is released—Reduces potential issues with settlement and chargebacks.

Private Stores

Use the Private Stores setting to indicate whether you want to use Private Stores on your site. Note that some Site Design work may be required to implement Private Stores on your site. See the following topics for more information:

Note: If you want to create a Private Store, contact your Store Operations team.

Private Stores

The Private Stores setting allows you to create a Private Store for a specific site that provides custom pricing for different groups of shoppers with special access, such as resellers, VIP shoppers, employees, and so on.

Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

If you want to sell your products exclusively in Private Stores, you must enable the Private Store Exclusive Products feature. See Private Store Exclusive Products for more information.

Product Combination

Cancel/Return Product Combination

When enabled, Global Commerce handles the cancellation or return of all components of the product combination together: it will cancel unfulfilled items while setting fulfilled ones for return. Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—Select this option to allow the cancellation or return of all components in a product combination together.

  • Disabled—Select this option to turn off the cancellation or return of items in a product combination together.

Subscription Renewal Price

When you select Component Price, the subscription renewal price will continue to use the product combination's configured component price. When you choose the List Price, the subscription renewal price will use the products' price in the price list. Choose one of the following options:

  • Component Price—Select this option to use the product combination's configured component price.

  • List Price—Select this option, the subscription renewal price will user the products price list.



Use redirects when a product in your store reaches its end date, or you retire a product, and you want to redirect shoppers to an alternate page. You can also use temporary redirects for promotions or unavailable products. Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Regulatory Fees

Use the Regulatory Fees to indicate whether you are required to charge and collect regulatory fees for purchases on your site.

Regulatory Fees

Allows you to create and use regulatory fees in the store. Additional work may be required to enable full-fee functionality in your store. See Site settings and Regulatory Fees for more information.

Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Self-Service Email Notifications

Allows you to self-manage your email notifications. With this setting enabled, the Email Notifications option will be visible in the menu and clients will be able to edit the content of any email notification enabled on this site.

Store Builder Locking

Use this setting when you want the system to lock themes, styles, compare pages, and custom pages when a user edits the item so that another user cannot change the item until the first user finishes editing the item. See Site settings and Store Builder Locking for more information.


Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Note: To disable the locking feature, you must first unlock all locked items in Store Builder and then disable the locking feature.


Use the Subscriptions feature to define how to handle subscription products and orders in your store. See Site settings and Subscriptions for more information.

Use Same Subscription ID for Manual Renewals after Grace Period

This option allows you to choose whether you want renewals to use the same subscription ID as the initial purchase or be issued a new ID (which is the default behavior) when a shopper manually renews their subscription.

Best Practices: Select the Always option to get more accurate reporting and to help you determine the lifetime value per subscriber for anonymous shoppers.

Choose one of the following options:

  • Never—Select this option if you want the renewal order ID to be different from the initial subscription order ID.

    Best Practices: Choose the Always or Within number days option. The Never option makes it harder to calculate how many of your new subscription transactions are actually renewals and affects the reporting results.

  • Always—Select this option when you want the renewal order ID to be the same as the initial subscription order ID.
  • Within number days—Select this option and specify the number of days if you want the renewal order ID to be the same as the initial subscription order ID when the renewal occurs within the time frame you specify in the field.

Subscription FAQs

Select this checkbox if you want the subscription FAQs to appear in the Help pages for your site.

"My Subscription History" link on the Help page (for "Account Creation")

Select this checkbox if you want the Subscription History link to appear in the Help pages for your site. This link allows the shopper to manage their subscriptions through their account.

Requirement: This option requires that you select Account Creation for the Checkout Type in the Checkout pod under the Checkout tab.

Customer Service Save

Allow customer service to offer a free extension or discount to callers that want to cancel auto-renew.

Free Extension

Select this checkbox and specify the duration of the free extension in days, weeks, months, or years.

Discounts & Refunds

Select the Enable Discount on Next Renewal offer if you want to offer a discount when a customer renews a subscription. Then select Enable Refund Offer checkbox and select option from the drop-down list to enable a refund offer for the current subscription and enter a percentage in the Discount % field.

Display Stop Automatic Billing

Select this checkbox if you want to allow shoppers to stop automatic billing for their subscriptions while viewing their subscription information in the automatic billing turns the subscription into a manual renewal subscription.) If you do not select this option, a shopper must call Customer Service to stop the automatic billing for their subscription.

Note: You are legally obligated to provide an "exceedingly simple" way for a shopper to stop an auto-renewal subscription. To provide an alternate method for shoppers to stop the automatic renewal of their subscription, select the Display Stop Automatic Billing checkbox, the Display Unsubscribe Immediately checkbox or both checkboxes to ensure one of these links appear on the self-service pages.

Display Stop Automatic Billing

Select this checkbox if you want to allow shoppers to stop automatic billing for their subscription from

Display Unsubscribe Immediately

Select this checkbox if you want to allow shoppers to stop their subscription from a shopper stops their subscription, they immediately lose access to their subscription.

Cancel Subscription at Chargeback

If you clear the checkbox, automatically renewing subscriptions will convert to manual renewal on chargeback. If you select the checkbox, the subscription will be cancelled on chargeback.

Renewal Price List Limitation in Days

This is how long you want your subscription renewal price list to be valid for renewals from the current date.

This attribute allows you to control when you can create a new subscription renewal price list. This attribute prevents you from charging a shopper a different renewal price than the one quoted in their reminder email. See Subscription renewal pricing for more information.

When setting the renewal price list limitation, observe the following rules:

  • Once you set pricing in a renewal price list and activate the price list, never change those prices. If you need to change the pricing in a subscription renewal price list, create a new renewal price list and set the end date for the current price list to the start date for the new price list. Changing pricing in an active renewal price list can result in the reminder email quoting a shopper one price and charging a different price on renewal.
  • The number of days prior to expiration when your subscription products send a reminder email should be at least the same number of days set for the renewal price list limitation setting. 

    Best Practices: Configure this setting to be the same value as you set for the maximum number of days prior to expiration for your products. However, as long as you set this setting to the least number of days prior to expiration, the system will charge your shoppers the price quoted in the reminder email.

Example: If you enter 7 in this field and the current date is March 15th, you will not be able to create a subscription renewal price that is set to start before March 8th. Note that the system uses the start date to determine when a price list becomes active. At a minimum, you should set the value to the least number of days prior to expiration when the system sends the renewal reminder email for your subscription products.

Note: For this setting to work with all your subscription products, use the same day intervals you specified for reminder emails for all your subscription products.

THINK Subscription Service

Select this checkbox if you want to use the THINK subscription service.

Note: Select this checkbox only when the Digital River staff directs you to enable this feature.

Subscription Controls

When enabled, allows Merchandising Manager to customize offer behavior for subscription purchases, including automatic and manual renewals.

  • Select Enabled if you want options to Subscription Offer Controls to appear in the Offer Wizard.
  • Select Disabled if you do not want the Subscription Offer Controls to appear in the Offer Wizard.

Tax Exemption

If US customers purchase a product for resale or non-profit organization or government agency purchases the product, the sale is tax exempt.

Tax Exemption

Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Tax Exemption Non US

Sales to non-US customers are typically tax exempt if they purchase products for resale or the customer is a non-profit organization or government agency.

Tax Exemption Non US

Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Shopper Type

When enabled, these two shopper types will appear on the Checkout (Billing, Shipping, or Information) page as radio buttons.

  • Personal Purchase—Shopper buys products for personal use.
  • Business Purchase—Shopper buys products for business use.
  • None

Top-Selling Products

Use the Top-Selling Products feature to show a list of the best-selling products in your store. See Site settings and Top-Selling Products for more information.

Top-Selling Products

Displays a list of top-selling products for the site or a particular category. Site design changes are required before you can use top-selling products on your store. Choose one of the following options:

  • ON—Enables this feature in your store.

    This feature requires additional Site Design work for the list to appear in your store.

  • OFF—Disables this feature in your store.

Refresh Frequency

Select how often you want the system to recalculate and update the list of top-selling products in your store. Your options are as follows:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly

Use Data From Last

Specify the last number of days you want to use to gather data for the top-selling list. The maximum value is 365 days. The recommended value is 180 days.

Excluded Products

You can exclude products from the Top-Selling Products list.


Allows you to remove products from the Exclude Products list.


Allows you to add products to the Exclude Product list.


This field shows the product's ID used internally by the Digital River system.


The product's name.

Fulfillment tab

Attribute Description

Access Point Shipment Methods

Use this feature to enable Parcel Collection PointClosed An alternative delivery location. Parcel collection points are typically stand-alone lockers located in high traffic areas like shopping centers and train stations, or ‘parcel shops’ such as convenience and grocery stores. (access point) shipping methods.

Prerequisite: Ensure that you have created an Access Point shipping method before enabling this feature.

Access Point Shipping Methods

Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Automatic Shipping/In Stock Timeframe Message

When enabled, this feature automatically displays a system-generated message on the product details page that states when fulfiller expects to ship the line item. When you also enable the Custom Shipping/In Stock Timeframe Message, the custom message will override the system-generated message when provided.

Note: This feature requires Site Design changes before you can implement this feature.

Automatic Shipping/In Stock Timeframe

Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—Select this option if you want to enable the system-generated message.
  • Disabled—Select this option if you do not enable the system-generated message.

Backorder Notifications

Use the Backorder Notifications setting to specify how often to send backorder emails to shoppers. The system sends backorder notifications to shoppers when the product they ordered is on backorder (out of stock). The email tells the shopper if the product is back in stock or still on backorder.

Email Frequency

Select how often you want the system to send notifications to a shopper who has ordered a product that is out of stock and on backorder.

Gift Messaging

Gift Messaging settings are used to specify if purchasers and recipients can receive a message with their gift orders. This option becomes available once gifting is enabled for products, allowing the option to be selected during the creation or editing of a product to enable gifting for it. If the gift option is chosen for a product, shoppers have the ability to buy the product as a gift and include a special message with it.

When a shopper enters a gift message, the message appears on the gift invoice sent with the physical product or in the email notification sent to the gift recipient for digital products. For physical products, your fulfiller must be able to receive and process gift messages so they appear on the invoices. This means they should be aware of the gift message and include it in the package. If you have any questions about this aspect of gift products, contact your Store Operations team.

Depending on the notification, when a shopper purchases a gift product, the system sends the appropriate notification emails to either the purchaser or the gift recipient.

Digital Gifting

Digital Gifting is a feature that enables shoppers to purchase digital products as gifts. When this feature is enabled, customers can add personalized gift messages and receipts to their digital gifts. Conversely, disabling Digital Gifting removes the option for customers to buy digital products as gifts, and they won't be able to include gift messages or receipts.

Physical Gifting

Physical Gifting is a feature that enables shoppers to purchase physical products as gifts. Customers can add personalized gift messages, receipts, and special packaging to their physical gifts when enabled. Conversely, disabling Physical Gifting removes the option for customers to buy physical products as gifts, and they won't be able to include gift messages, receipts, or special packaging.

Note: Your physical fulfiller must support gift messaging for the gift message to appear on the shipping invoice.

Landed Cost Shipment Methods

The prepaid landed costsClosed The total price of a product once it has arrived at the buyer's door. The landed cost includes the original price of the product, all transportation fees (both inland and ocean), customers, duties, taxes, insurance, currency conversion, creating, handling, and payment fees. for a physical order shipped across a border. The system calculates, shows, and collects the costs associated with an export/import order. That includes all costs associated with the export/import order, including prepaying the costs on behalf of the customer for the delivery of the product, clearing customs, and the use our shipping agent (carrier/logistics partner). These calculations also include delivery costs (shipping), any applicable import duties, as well as taxes required to smoothly clear customs.

Landed Cost

Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Notify Me

Use the Notify Me settings to indicate if you want to provide a link (on the Product Detail page) for out of stock products. This allows shoppers to request notification (via email) when an out of stock product comes back in stock.

Note: This feature requires Site Design changes before you can implement this feature. The field shoppers use to sign up for stock status appears when you complete the Site Design changes and enable the feature.

Stock Alerts

When enabled, allows the shopper to request notification when a product comes back in stock.

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Keep Email Addresses

Select the maximum number of days when a shopper can receive notification that a product is back in stock after a shopper requests notification. When the notification request expires, the system deletes the shopper's request and their email address.

Real-time Stock

Use the Real-time Stock settings to enable real-time inventory checks for products in your store. When you enable this feature, the stock status of products (in stock, out of stock) will appear on the Product Detail pages in your store.

Real-time Stock

When enabled, allows real-time inventory checks for products in your store. Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Display Shipping Method and Cost

When enabled, shows an estimate of shipping costs for different shipping methods on the Product Details page in your store. Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

External Call

When enabled, allows your store to use an external call to get stock status. Use this option when a third-party system maintains inventory counts for your products.

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Stock Availability Service

When enabled, allows your store to use an external call to get stock status.

  • Enabled—Select this option if you want to use this feature in your store.  If you enable this setting, you will have to indicate when you want to send the call to the service.  Choose one of the following options:

    • Always
    • When the available quantity falls below a certain threshold.
  • Disabled—Select this option if you do not want to use this feature in your store.

Receive FTC Reports

The system sends FTC reports on a nightly basis to the email address listed below if the system sends an FTC notification to a customer. If the system sends no FTC notifications, you will not receive a report.

FTC Reports

When enabled, the system sends FTC reports when the customer receives an FTC notification. Your options are as follows:

  • Enabled—When you enable gifting, customers can purchase items as gifts. Options include adding gift messages, gift receipts, and special packaging.
  • Disabled—When you disable gifting, customers will not have the option to purchase items as gifts. Gift messages, receipts, and special packaging will not be available.

Enter Email Address

Enter the email address for the user or group that will receive the FTC report.

Shipping Options

Use this feature to define how a customer can ship their order.

Shipping Methods

Choose one of the following options:

  • Multiple Shipping Methods Per Order
  • Only one Shipping Method per Order

Payment Methods tab

Use the Payment Method tab to set up the supported payment methods for your site.

Note: The Payment Methods tab only shows your site’s supported payment methods.

Attribute Description
Supported Locales

Use the Supported Locales option to limit the use of a payment method to specific locales only or apply the payment method to all supported locales.

  • Allow all payment methods on all supported locales—Select this option if you want to use all payment methods for all supported locales.
  • Restrict to selected locales—Select this option if you want to limit the use of a payment method to specific locales only. Each payment method will only appear in the selected locales.
Product Category Default

Choose the default product category for the credit card payment method. Your options are based on the following payment methods:

  • American Express options:

    • Default product category is Digital.

    • Default product category is Physical.

  • Mastercard options:

    • Default product category is Software.

    • Default product category is Games.

    • Default product category is Consumer Electronics.

  • Visa.options:

    • Default product category is Software.

    • Default product category is Games.

    • Default product category is Consumer Electronics.

Multiple Terms Display Settings

This setting lets you configure the terms when a shopper chooses a payment method with terms. Depending on the shopper's preference or the specific requirements of the application, The checkout will show the terms in one of two ways:

  • Yes: Selecting this option allows the display of multiple terms simultaneously for comparative purposes or when multiple definitions are relevant.

  • No: This option restricts the display to a single term at any given time. It simplifies the view for users who prefer focusing on one definition or term at a time.

The eFinancing LOC payment method uses this feature.

Payment Expiration

Use the Payment Expiration option to specify whether you want to use Digital River default expiration date or define your expiration date for that particular method. The expiration date determines how long a shopper can still submit the payment after a shopper submits an order. Only use this option for delayed and Client Credit payment methods.

  • Digital River: This field displays the Digital River's default payment expiration date in days.

  • Currently Selected Site: Choose one of the following payment expiration options:

    • Use Digital River Value: When selected, the payment method will use Digital River's default payment expiration date.

    • Override Digital River Value: When selected, the whole number you enter in the Days field determines the expiration date.

Note: You cannot configure some payment methods at the site level.

Save Payment Method

This option lets shoppers save their payment method for future transactions, simplifying checkout. When you select the Allow payment method as saved payment method checkbox, the shoppers can securely save and store their payment details for future use, allowing faster and more convenient purchases.

Direct Debit uses this feature.

Bank Statement Configuration

Bank Statement Configuration refers to the specific setup or customization options available for bank statements in a financial system or software. This setup can include various parameters and descriptions that dictate how transactions are categorized, displayed, and reported in the bank statements provided to the account holders. For example, it might involve specifying how different types of transactions, like taxes or shipping fees, are described on the statements for clarity and accounting purposes. This configuration is important for ensuring that bank statements are useful, accurate, and tailored to meet the regulatory requirements and the needs of the users, specifically within the context of the United States (US), if you configure the payment method with a focus on US banking practices and regulations.

  • Tax Bank Statement Description: Provide the descriptive text for a bank statement that specifies the nature or origin of a tax-related transaction. This could include payments made for taxes or tax refunds received.

  • Shipping Bank Statement Description: Provide the descriptive text for a bank statement that specifies transactions related to shipping costs. This includes payments made for shipping services or charges related to the delivery of goods.

The eFinancing Loan and LOC payment methods use this feature.

Client Credit Plus

Client Credit Plus is a flexible financial option offered to shoppers.

  • Type: Select from the following credit options:

    • Revolving Line: Allows shoppers to borrow, repay, and re-borrow funds up to an approved credit limit.

    • Single Purchase: Enables shoppers to finance a specific, one-time purchase up to a certain limit.

  • Default Limit: Specify the maximum credit limit and select a three-letter currency code from the drop-down list.

This program offers financial flexibility by providing a tailored credit solution that matches the client's financial needs.

  • Auto Approve Credit: The Auto Approve Credit feature provides an automated approval process for credit applications. Enabled allows for the instant approval of credit requests based on predefined criteria, streamlining the application process and reducing wait times. Conversely, when disabled, each application requires manual review and approval, allowing for more thorough vetting of applicants but potentially increasing processing times. This feature offers flexibility in managing how credit applications are processed, catering to the needs of different business operations.

  • Configure Application: The Configure Application setting allows you to customize which fields appear on the Client Credit Plus application page. This customization enhances the application process by allowing you to select the information that is necessary for evaluating credit applications. Fields are divided into two main categories:

    • Authorized Information: The payment method uses these fields for authorization. The fields are First Name, Last Name, Purchaser Title, Department/Unit, Tax ID, Phone Number, and Fax Number. For each field, you can specify its visibility and whether it is required for submission:

      • Visible: The field is shown on the application but is not mandatory.

      • Visible and Required: The field must be filled out to submit the application.

      • Not Visible: The field is not displayed on the application form.

    • Address Information: The payment method uses these field to gather address information. The fields are Company Address, Suite/Department, City, State, ZIP/Postal Code, Country, Ship to Address 1, Ship to Address 2, Ship to Dept, Ship to City, Ship to State, Ship to ZIP, Ship to Country. For each field, you can specify its visibility and whether it is required for submission:

      • Visible: The field is shown on the application but is not mandatory.
      • Visible and Required: The field must be filled out to submit the application.

      • Not Visible: The field is not displayed on the application form.

This functionality is designed to provide flexibility in collecting information from applicants, ensuring that you gather all necessary data for a thorough review while streamlining the application process for the client.

Line of Credit uses this feature.

Minimum Order Amount

The Minimum Order Amount feature allows you to set a minimum purchase amount for orders. This can be a critical setting for ensuring the profitability of each transaction. You can enable or disable this feature based on your business needs.

  • Enabled: When set to Enabled, customers must reach the specified minimum order amount before proceeding to checkout. This ensures that each order meets a minimum value, which can help cover processing and shipping costs or ensure order profitability.

  • Disabled: Disabling this feature removes any minimum spending requirement, allowing customers to checkout with orders of any value. This might be useful for promoting smaller purchases or samples.

Post Manual Adjustments

This feature allows you to manually post credits and debits to each Client Credit Plus account, enabling you to adjust the account balance as needed and rectify discrepancies, process adjustments not covered by automated systems, or accommodate exceptional financial transactions.

  • Enabled: Users are allowed to post manual adjustments to accounts.

  • Disabled: Users are not able to post manual adjustments.

Display Preferences

Customize your payment page on PayPal to better align with your brand's aesthetics. You have the option to personalize two key aspects:

  1. Choose a logo graphic:

    • Use the Digital River default graphic: Use the standard Digital River logo for a professional and trusted appearance.

    • Upload a custom graphic: Upload a custom logo to ensure your brand's identity is front and center.

  2. Choose a wrapper color: Enter the hex code, for example, #005BA8, for the color you want to use in the field.

PayPal Express Checkout uses this feature.

Preorders tab

Use the Preorders setting to define when you want to process payment authorization for preorders.

Attribute Description

Preorder Authorization

Choose when authorization occurs. Your options are as follows:

  • When Order is placed—Select this option if you want authorization to occur when the customer places the order. This is the same time when authorization occurs for any other non-preorder product.
  • When product is released—Select this option if you want authorization to occur when the preorder product becomes available for sale.

Security tab

Attribute Description

Authorized Browsing Restrictions

Use the Authorized Browsing Locales setting to indicate which supported locales a shopper (in a specific country) can see when they visit your site.

Example: If your European site has four locales, you can specify whether a shopper from one of those locales can browse your store in the other three locales. (Note that your automatic geolocation settings can determine the locales a shopper can visit.) Authorized browsing locales essentially limit a shopper's ability to see your store in one of the other locales supported in your store.

You can set up authorized browsing locales to limit the locales (and therefore the products and pricing) a shopper can see based on the shopper's location. This ensures that a shopper can only purchase products from their designated locale.

Authorized Shopping Countries

The Authorized Shopping Countries setting allows you to define which shoppers can purchase products in your store based on the billing or shipping address they enter during checkout. Use this feature when you want to:

  • Deny shoppers, who live in a specific location, from purchasing products from your store.
  • Deny shoppers, who want to ship products to a certain location (even if they do not reside at that location), from shipping products to that location from your store.

Note: The search results for authorized shopping countries only display countries supported by Digital River. It does not display embargoed or unsupported countries.

Allow Billing From

Choose the option you want to use to define purchase restrictions based on the shopper's billing address. Your options are as follows:

  • Any Country—Allows shoppers with a billing address from any country to purchase from your store. This option has no shopping restrictions based on billing address.
  • Any Country Except Specifically Denied Countries—Allows you to specify the countries that shoppers cannot select when they enter their billing information. This option prevents shoppers who provide billing information tied to an unauthorized country, from purchasing products from your store.
  • Only Specifically Allowed Countries—Allows you to specify the countries that shoppers can select when they enter their billing information. This ensures only shoppers in a specific country, or who provide billing information tied to a specific country, can purchase products from your store.

Allowed Countries

Lists the countries that a shopper cannot use when entering their billing information.

Denied Countries

Lists the countries that a shopper cannot use when entering their billing information. Some countries appear in the Denied Countries list by default. You cannot do business with these countries based on export control restrictions.


Supported locales (all other locales besides the default locale) will inherit the settings from the default locale by default. If you want to configure a supported locale differently from the default, click that locale tab, select the Customize for This Locale option, and then add the countries that you want to allow or deny for that locale.

Allow Shipping To

Choose the option you want to use to define purchase restrictions based on the shopper's shipping address. Your options are as follows:

  • Any Country—Allows shoppers with a Shipping address from any country to purchase from your store. This option has no shopping restrictions based on the shipping address.
  • Any Authorized Billing Country—Allows shoppers who enter a shipping address in any authorized billing country to place an order in your store.

  • Any Country Except Specifically Denied Countries—Allows you to specify the countries that shoppers cannot select when they enter their shipping information. This option prevents shoppers who provide shipping information tied to an unauthorized country, from purchasing products from your store.
  • Only Specifically Allowed Countries—Allows you to specify the countries that shoppers can select when they enter their shipping information. This ensures only shoppers in a specific country, or who provide shipping information tied to a specific country, can purchase products from your store.

Allowed Countries

List the countries that a shopper can use when entering their billing information. Some countries appear in the Allowed Countries list by default.

Supported locales (all other locales besides the default locale) inherit the settings from the default locale by default. If you want to configure a supported locale differently from the default, click that locale tab, select the Customize for This Locale option, and then add the countries that you want to allow for that locale.


To search for countries you want to deny or allow by locale, click the Search button, select the countries you want to allow or deny, and click Apply. The Selected countries appear in the list.


Explain why you defined the restrictions. Provide enough detail to ensure someone else can determine why you denied or allowed billing or shipping to a specific country for a specific locale.

Automatic Geo-Location

The automatic geolocation setting allows you to send shoppers to a specific site and locale based on their language and geographic location. The feature also allows you to restrict shoppers from certain locations from viewing or shopping in your store. See How Automatic Geo-Location works for more information.

Unrecognized Country

If the country code is not recognized or configured in the Country/Language list, the system redirects the shopper according to your specified settings. Your options are as follows:

  • Stay on this site—Shoppers visiting your store from an unrecognized country will stay on the site they are trying to view.

    Example: If a shopper from an unrecognized country tries to access the en_GB locale of your store and you do not have a rule set up to specifically redirect shoppers in unrecognized countries, they will see the en_GB locale of your store.

  • Go to specific site—The system redirects shoppers visiting your store from an unrecognized country to a specific site and locale you select from the Site and Locale lists that appear when you select this option.


Choose the site you want to redirect shoppers to from this list. This field appears when you select the Go to specific site option.


Choose the locale you want to use from this list. This field appears when you select the Go to specific site option.

Redirect Settings

Choose whether you want to redirect shoppers visiting your store from an unrecognized country to a specific site or locale based on their location and browser language setting. Your options are as follows:

  • Always Redirect—Automatically redirects shoppers in a specific country with a specific locale setting in their browser to a specified site and locale when they visit your store.
  • Do Not Redirect—Allows shoppers to go directly to your store based on the IP location and locale setting in their browser.


Remove one or more destinations.


Add a destination based on the specific country and locale.


Select a country from the list.

Browser Language

Select a language.


Select a locale for the site.


Shows the country and language.


The name of the locale.

Cross-Site Request Forgery Prevention

When enabled, this feature protects shoppers against attacks that force them to unwittingly perform actions against their permission.

Cross-Site Request Forgery Prevention

Choose one of the following options:

  • ON—Enables protection against attacks that force shoppers to unwittingly perform actions against their permission.
  • OFF—Disables protection against attacks that force shoppers to unwittingly perform actions against their permission.

Enable CSRF for Anonymous Users

Choose one of the following options to enable Cross-Site Request Forgery Prevention (CSRF) for anonymous users:

  • ON—Enables protection against attacks that force anonymous shoppers to unwittingly perform actions against their permission.
  • OFF—Disables protection against attacks that force anonymous shoppers to unwittingly perform actions against their permission.

This toggle appears when you select ON for Cross-Site Request Forgery Prevention.

Password Strength

Define the shopper's password strength.

Minimum Password Length

Define the minimum number of characters that a shopper must use for a password. The minimum number of characters is 8. The maximum number of characters is 32.

Enhanced Password Strength

Enhanced password strength requires a secure shopper's password. In addition to meeting the minimum password length, the password will need to include three of the following characteristics:

  • Upper case letter
  • lower case letter
  • Numbers
  • Special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ * ~ : ; & > < [ ] { } | - _ + = ?

Choose one of the following options:

  • ON—Enables the Enhanced Password Strength feature.

    Note: If you enable the Enhanced Password Strength feature, existing shoppers with weak passwords must change their password when they sign in.

  • OFF—Disables the Enhanced Password Strength feature.

Secure Session Cookie

Allows you to use a Secure Session Cookie to prevent Global Commerce session hijacking.

Secure Session Cookie

Choose one of the following options:

  • Enabled—Enables the Secure Session Cookie feature.
  • Disabled—Disables the Secure Session Cookie feature.

Lenient Mode

If the secure cookie sent by the client does not match with the information originally sent to the client, the system will log out the session automatically (including the innocent client) when you disable Lenient Mode.

  • Enabled—Enables the Lenient Mode feature.
  • Disabled—Disables the Lenient Mode feature.

The Lenient Mode appears when you select the Enabled option Secure Session Cookie.

Shopper Account Security

Define how shoppers can regain access to their account if they forgot their password. Some settings may require assistance from your Store Operations Manager.

Forgot Password Email

Choose how you want to respond when a shopper requests a new password because they forgot their password:

  • Send Shopper Their Password—The system sends an email with a new password to the shopper.
  • Send Shopper a Link to Reset Their Password—The system sends an email with a link to the shopper that they can use to create a new password.

Expire Link to Reset Password

Enter the number of hours before the link expires. The value must be greater than zero (0).

This field appears when you select the Send Shopper a Link to Reset Their Password option.

Shopper Brute Force Protection

Define your policy for protecting shopper accounts from an automated hacking attack.

Account Protection

Choose one of the following options:

  • Require user to enter a CAPTCHA after multiple failed logins
  • Lock shopper account after multiple failed logins

Number of Attempts

Enter the number of failed login attempts that trigger account protection. The number must be greater than 0 and less than 16.

Shopper Current Password Check Settings

When enabled, shoppers must enter their current password when they change their password.

Shopper Current Password Check Settings

Choose whether a shopper must enter their current password when they change their password.

  • ON—Shopper must enter their current password when they change their password.
  • OFF—Shopper does not need to enter their current password when they change their password.

How to determine the template used by the site

  1. Select Administration, select Site, and then click Configure Site Settings. The Configure Site Settings page appears.
  2. Look at the heading at the top of the page. The template used by your currently selected site appears in parenthesis.

    Template name location

How to enable estimates

  1. Select Administration, select Site, and then click Configure Site Settings. The Configure Site Settings page appears.
  2. Click the Checkout tab. See Checkout tab for a description of the options.
  3. Under Request Estimate, select Enabled.
  4. Choose Single or Unlimited for the Order Limit.
  5. Specify when you want the estimate to expire for the Set Estimate Expiration option.
  6. Choose whether you want the system to send a reminder to the shopper after they create their estimate for the Send Reminder Email option. The system sends only one reminder.

    Best Practices: Choose Remind recipient and specify how many days after the creation date when the system should send the reminder. Reminders may help increase sales for estimates.

  7. Choose whether you want a Contact Me checkbox to appear for the Display "Contact me... Checkbox. If you choose Yes, provide the email address for the company representative in the Company Representative field.
  8. Click Save.

How to configure Event Notifications settings

The following task shows you how to enable post-order notifications (PON) for a return, refund, or payment event.

  1. Select Administration, select Site, and then click Configure Site Settings. The Configure Site Settings page appears.

    Configure Site Settings

  2. Click the Event Notifications tab. The Return tab on the Event Notifications tab appears.

    Event Notifications tab

  3. For each tab (Returns, Refunds, Line Item Level, Order Level, Payment, or Other) under the Event Notifications tab, select one or more event notification checkboxes or Select All to select all event notification checkboxes.

  4. Click Save. Global Commerce immediately applies the changes to your store and sends notifications to your designated endpoint.

How to enable the cancellation/return of a product combination

At the site level, you can determine how Global Commerce handles the cancellation or return of all components in a product combination together. When you enable the Cancel/Return Product Combination feature in Global Commerce, it will handle the cancellation of all unfulfilled components and the return of all fulfilled components of the product combination together.

Prerequisite: You must enable product combinations before you create a product with components.

To enable the cancellation/return of a product combination together:

  1. Select Administration, select Site, and then click Configure Site Settings. The Configure Site Settings page appears.

  2. Click the Features tab, scroll to Cancel/Return Product Combination, and select Enabled or Disabled. For a description of the fields, see Cancel/Return Product Combination.

  3. Click Save.

The everything-or-nothing rule

When you enable the Cancel/Return Product Combination feature in Global Commerce, it tightly combines all the components within the product combination. So when a shopper orders the product combination, the components are shipped and fulfilled by line item. However, if they initiate a cancellation or return of the product combination, the entire product combination will be cancelled or returned. It is the everything-or-nothing rule. The exception to the everything-or-nothing rule is you don't need to cancel a trial product while handling product combination cancellation.

How to enable a customized subscription renewal price for a product combination

When you select Component Price, the subscription renewal price will continue to use the product combination's configured component price. When you choose the List Price, the subscription renewal price will use the products' price in the price list.

  1. Select Administration, select Site, and then click Configure Site Settings. The Configure Site Settings page appears.

  2. Click the Features tab. See Subscription Renewal Pricefor more information.

  3. Scroll down to the Renewal Price under Subscription Product Combination, and click List Price.

    Product Combination

  4. Click Save.

How to configure site settings for subscription products

  1. Select Administration, select Site, and then click Configure Site Settings. The Configure Site Settings page appears.

  2. Click the Features tab.

  3. Scroll down to the Subscriptions pod.

  4. Complete the fields and select the appropriate checkboxes. For a description of the fields, see Subscriptions.

  5. Click Save.

How to enable Parcel Collection Point (access point) shipping method

Required Role: Account Manager

  1. Select Administration, select Site, and then click Configure Site Settings.
  2. Click the Fulfillment tab.
  3. Under Access Point Shipment Methods, select Enabled.
  4. Click Apply.

How to configure the Authorized Browsing Locales Settings

  1. Select Administration, select Site, and then click Configure Site Settings. The Configure Site Settings page appears.
  2. Click the Security tab.
  3. Under Authorized Browsing Locales, click the Authorized Browsing Restrictions toggle switch to ON.
  4. Select the default locale tab. Configure the default locale first, and then configure the other locales if you want to set up your supported locales independently of the default locale. By default, supported locales inherit the settings of the default locale. If you do not want to change the supported locales, you only have to configure the settings for the default locale.
  5. Click Add Group. The Add Authorized Browsing Group dialog appears.
  6. Enter a name for the group you want to create in the Group Display Name field. The name should reflect the locales you may add to the group, such as "Europe" or "North America."The name you enter must be unique for the site. You can only use a name once per site.
  7. Click Save. The Live Change Warning dialog appears.

    Live Change Warning

  8. Type your user name as it appears in the Live Change Warning dialog to verify that you want to make the change on your live store and click OK.

  9. Select the checkbox next to the group you just created and click Add. The Add Authorized Browsing Link dialog appears.
  10. For the Type option, select whether you want the system to redirect a shopper who is part of the group to a site/locale that is part of your Digital River store, or whether you want to redirect shoppers to another URL.
  11. In the Site Display Name field, enter the name for your site that you want to appear to a shopper in this group.
  12. From the Locale list, select the locale that the shopper can visit if they are part of the group.
  13. Click Save. The Live Change Warning dialog appears.

    Live Change Warning

  14. Type your user name as it appears in the Live Change Warning dialog to verify that you want to make the change on your live store and click OK.

How to configure the Authorized Shopping Countries settings

  1. Select Administration, select Site, and then click Configure Site Settings. The Configure Site Settings page appears.
  2. Click the Security tab.
  3. Choose the Allow Billing From option you want to use to define purchase restrictions based on the shopper's billing address. See Authorized Shopping Countries for a description of the fields.
  4. Depending on the option you selected in the previous step, you can add allowed countries to your store's supported locales. Supported locales (all other locales besides the default locale) will inherit the settings from the default locale by default.

    To configure a supported locale differently from the default locale:

    1. Select the locale tab that you want to modify.
    2. Select the Customize for This Locale option.
    3. Click Search Search and type the name of the country in the Search field.
    4. Click one or more countries in the Search Results list to move them to the Selected Items list and then click Apply. The countries appear in the Allowed Countries list for the selected locale.
  5. Choose the Allow Shipping To option you want to use to define purchase restrictions based on the shopper's shipping address. See Authorized Shopping Countries for a description of the fields.
  6. Depending on the option you selected in the previous step, you can add the countries you can add denied countries to your store's supported locales. Supported locales (all other locales besides the default locale) will inherit the settings from the default locale by default.

    To configure a supported locale differently from the default locale:

    1. Select the locale tab that you want to modify.
    2. Select the Customize for This Locale option.
    3. Click Search Search and type the name of the country in the Search field.
    4. Click one or more countries in the Search Results list to move them to the Selected Items list and then click Apply. The countries appear in the Denied Countries list for the selected locale.
  7. Explain why you defined the restrictions in the Comments field. Provide enough detail to ensure someone else can determine why you denied or allowed billing or shipping to a specific country for a specific locale.

How to configure the Automatic Geolocation settings

  1. Select Administration, select Site, and then click Configure Site Settings. The Configure Site Settings page appears.
  2. Click the Security tab.
  3. Under Automatic Geo-location, select the Unrecognized Country option you want to use when a shopper in from an unrecognized location visits your store. See Automatic Geo-Location for a description of the fields.
  4. Select the Redirect Settings option you want to use to redirect shoppers.
  5. To add a geolocation, click Add, complete the fields in Add Geo-Location dialog, and then click Save. The Live Change Warning dialog appears.

    Live Change Warning

  6. Type your user name as it appears in the Live Change Warning dialog to verify that you want to make the change on your live store and click OK.

How to configure the Payment Methods settings

  1. Select Administration, select Site and then click Configure Site Settings. The Configure Site Settings page appears.
  2. Click the Payment Methods tab.
  3. Choose one of the following options for Supported Locales:
    • Allow all payment methods on all supported locales—Select this option if you want to use all payment methods for all supported locales.
    • Restrict to selected locales—Select this option if you want to limit the use of a payment method to specific locales only. Each payment method will only appear in the selected locales.
  4. Expand the payment method you want to configure the attributes associated with the payment method. See Payment Methods tab for a description of the fields. Repeat this step for each additional payment method.
  5. Click Done when finished.