Product Variations

Use the Product Variations step to select the attributes you want to use to create variations for this product. The attributes you select here define the variations available on the Pricing page.

Note: The Product Variation step appears when you:

  1. Select the Multiple Product (with Variations) option on the Setup Product page.
  2. Select more than one fulfillment method from the Product Options page.

Note: You can edit the variation properties after you create the product.

How to add product variations

To add a product variation:

  1. Under Product Variations, select the product variation options you want to use.
  2. Under Attribute Values, click an attribute or click Select All to select all attributes in the Search Results column. The selected attributes move to the Selected Items column.
  3. Click Create. The new variation now appears in the Existing Variations pane.
  4. Under Existing Variations, select the fulfillment method from the Search and Filters tab and choose one or more of the following options:

    • To search for a product variation, enter the name of the product variation in the search field under the Search and Filters tab, and click Search Search.

    • To configure digital rights for a fulfillment method:

      1. Select the checkbox next to the product variation under the Search and Filters tab.
      2. Click Digital Rights. The Configure Digital Rights Management window appears.
      3. Complete the fields. See Serial numbers and Unlock codes for more information.
    • To edit the pricing for a fulfillment method:

      1. Select the checkbox next to the product variation under the Search and Filters tab.
      2. Click Edit Pricing. The Edit Pricing window appears.
      3. Complete the fields. See Pricing for more information.
    • To delete one or more fulfillment methods, choose one of the following options:

      • Select the checkbox next to each product variation you want to delete under the Search and Filters tab and click Delete.
      • Click the checkbox next to Variation ID under the Search and Filters tab to select all fulfillment methods and click Delete.
    • To change the order in which delivery types (fulfillment methods) appear in the store:

      1. Click Ordering.
      2. Use the up and down arrow keys in the Order Variation Attributes window to change the order of the delivery types.
      3. Click Save.
  5. Click Next.