Standard Reports

The Standard Reports contain the same information regardless of your company or sites. The following topics describes the reports available under Standard Reports.

Accounting reports - Client

The Accounting reports summarize sales, returns, and client margin.

Report Name Description
Accounting Summary By Day Summary of sales, returns, and client margin grouped by day.
Accounting Summary By Product By Day Summary of sales, returns, and client grouped by day and by margin.
Accounting Summary By Product By SKU By Day Summary of sales, returns, and client grouped by day and by margin.

Call Center Agent reports

The Call Center Agent reports show sales activity by Customer Service Representatives. Use these reports to track sales by personnel and allocate commissions on their activities.

Report Name Description
Agent Transaction Detail For orders fulfilled, provides transaction-based report grouping by customer service agents.
Close Rate By Sales Agent Provides aggregate information on carts open and closed by CSR Agents.
Demand - Agent Transactional Detail For orders placed, provides transaction-based report grouping by customer service agents.
Sales By Agent By Country For orders fulfilled, provides aggregated report grouped by customer service agents by country.
Sales By Country Summary of partner revenues by country.

Merchandising Categorization reports

The Merchandising Categorization reports show sales, attach rates, and close ratios for the bundle, cross-sell, and up-sell offers.

Report Name Description
Cross Sell Conversion Report Provides metrics related to offers identified as "Cross-Sell." It shows details about traffic as well as how effective the offers are.
Cross Sell Parent Child Attach Report Provides metrics related to Cross-Sell offers in terms of how much incremental revenue was obtained by attaching children to the parent product.
Up Sell Attach Rate Provides metrics on the attach rate of Up Sell related offers.
Up Sell Parent Child Attach Report Provides metrics related to up Sell offers in terms of how much incremental revenue was obtained by attaching children to the parent product.

Merchandising reports

The Merchandising reports provide information pertaining to sales and offers.

Report Name Description
Offer Line Offer Sales by Day Provides information pertaining to sales included offer which applied to particular items within an order by day.
Order Line Offer Summary Provides information pertaining to sales included offer which applied to particular items within an order.
Order Offer Sales By Day Provides information pertaining to sales included offer which applied across all items within an order by day.
Order Offer Summary Provides information pertaining to sales included offer which applied across all items within an order.
Program Activity By Day Provides sales and traffic information relating to specific programs group by day.
Program Sales By Day Provides information pertaining to sales included offer which applied across all items within an order by day.
Program Sales By Order Line Offer Provides information pertaining to sales which were driven by a program ID and shows any line offers associated with individual products within that program.
Program Sales By Product Provides information pertaining to sales which were driven by a program ID and shows product associated within that program.
Program Summary Provides information pertaining to sales which were driven by a program ID.
Shipping Offer By Line Level Product Level Report for Line Level Shipping Offers.
Shipping Offer By Order Level Product Level Report for Order Level Shipping Offers.
Bundles Reporting
Line Offer Bundles Report - Beta Provides counts of groupings products which were driven by a line level offer.
Order Offer Bundles Report - Beta Provides counts of groupings products which were driven by an order level offer.
SKU Attachment By Site Provides SKUs which were sold together by site and locale.
SKU Attachment Offer Details Provides SKUs which were sold together—includes offer and program details.
SKU Attachment Offer Details By Date Provides SKUs which were sold together—includes offer and program details.

Operational reports

The Operational reports show you information on the current state of your demand orders (inventory levels and unfulfilled orders).

Report Name Description
Cancellation Report Displays a list of orders and products which have been cancelled.
Digital Rights Status Report - BETA Lists the digital right IDs and their current status.
GC Abandoned Carts Provide details relating to shopping carts that contained uncompleted orders. This report only includes created carts with a valid email address associated with them. Also, these carts are not associated with orders submission.
Gifting Cancellation Reports A transaction-based report focused on orders set up for gifts but later cancelled.
Inventory Availability Displays amount of inventory available based on SKU or Product IDs.
Inventory Fulfillment Lists available inventory based on Global Commerce's Cataline Fulfillment Integratino.
Order Cancellations Report Displays a list of orders and products which have been cancelled
POP Stock Availability Lists available inventory by the offer.
Pending Returns Report Lists requested returns. When Digital River receives the return, the orders fall off this report.
Product Notify Shopper Lists the products that shoppers flagged for notification when they became available. These products are not currently available for purchase.
Replacement Detail Lists transaction-based details for an order that was a replacement for a previous order
Unfulfilled Orders Lists detailed transactions regarding orders which are yet to be fulfilled.
Unfulfilled Orders - EQUATOR Lists detailed transactions regarding orders which are yet to be fulfilled.

Order Status Tracking reports

The Order Status Tracking reports lists orders demanded at the product level and their current status.

Report Name Description
BETA - Order Status Tracking - Order Detail Lists all orders demanded at the product level and their current status.

Private Store reports

The Private Store reports list a summary of Private Stores.

Report Name Description
Private Store Summary Lists a summary of Private Stores.

Product reports

The Product reports show information on sales and returns, highlighting specific product names and types of products.

Report Name Description
EDS Attach Rate Shows EDS attach rate by product.
EDS/CD2GO Attach Rate Shows EDS/CD2GO attach rate by product.
Product Close Ratio Shows order close rates by product.
Product Close Ratio with SKU - Beta Shows order close rates with SKU.
Product Level Sales Shows aggregated sales grouped at the product level.
Product Level Sales By Day Shows aggregated sales grouped by day at the product level.
Product Level Sales By Day By Country Shows aggregated sales grouped by the day and country at the product level.
Product Level Sales By MFR Part Number Shows aggregated sales grouped by the manufacturer part number.
Sales By Theme By Product By Day Shows aggregated sales grouped by theme and day at the product level.
Web v Phone Orders Aggregated sales grouped at the order origin level.

Product Type/Product Family reports

The Product Type/Product Family reports display information on the custom product attributes you created for your company and sites. You and the client define the custom attributes. These reports show how the products with these custom attributes are performing. To learn more about creating custom product attributes, contact your Store Operations team.

Report Name Description
Sales By Line Item Type Product ID Product Name Shows aggregated sales grouped by subscription line item type.
Sales By Product Family Shows aggregated sales grouped by product family.
Sales By Product Type Shows aggregated sales grouped by product type.
Sales By Product Type - By Day Shows aggregated sales grouped by product type and day.
Sales By Product Type By Product Family Shows aggregated sales grouped by product type and product family.
Sales By Product Type Product Family Line Item Type Shows aggregated sales grouped by product type, product family, and line item type.

Real Time Sales report

Real Time Sales reports provide information on your current sales. The Real Time Customer Transaction Details reports show up-to-the-minute sales and the current status of demand orders. All other Real Time Sales reports show sales with a delay up to an hour.

Report Name Description
Real Time Customer Transactions Details

A short range detailed report of transactions highlighted by providing current line-item status.

Best Practices: Limit the number of columns selected to 100.

Real Time Customer Transaction Details Non PII Detailed report of transactions highlighted by providing current line-item status without customer information.
Real Time Customer Transaction Details Time Zone Detailed report of transactions highlighted by providing current line-item status with data parameters tied to timezones.
Real Time Item Offer Sales Summary report of demand sales for group by item's offer .
Real Time Order Offer Sales Summary report of demand sales grouped by order offer.
Real Time Product Level Sales Summary report of demand sales grouped by product level sales.
Real Time Product Level Sales - By Day Summary report of demand sales grouped by product level sales by day.
Real Time Product Level Sales - By Day - Demand Sales Only Summary report of demand sales grouped by product level sales by day.
Real Time Program Level Sales Summary report of demand sales grouped by programs.
Real Time Sales By Day Summary report of demand sales grouped by day.
Real Time Sales By Day - Demand Sales Only Summary report of demand sales grouped by day.
Real Time Sales By Day By Country Provides demand sales information by country.
Real Time Sales By Theme Summary report of demand sales grouped by theme.

Sales by Sites report

The Sales by Sites report shows sales that occurred on all the sites that sell your products ion the channel.

Report Name Description
Sales By Site - Product Level Sales Report on sales for sales which occurred on all sites, not just ones owned by the company running the report

Saved Orders reports

The Saved Order Reports show information on all orders that use the "Save Order" feature.

Report Name Description
Open Quotes This report list all quotes that have not expired or converted
Open To Conversion This report shows all quotes (expired or not) and whether or not they have been converted.

Subscription reports

The Subscription reports show detailed information on subscription product orders.

Report Name Description
Subs Details By Expiration Date Lists details relating to subscriptions and renewals by expiration date.
Subs Details by Next Renewal Date Provides detail data of CBSB subscriptions at a segment level. Date range filter will be applied to NEXT RENEWAL DATE.
Subs Details by Opt Out Date Provides detail data of CBSB subscriptions at a segment level.
Subs Details by Purchase Date

Provides detail data of CBSB subscriptions at a segment level. Date range filter will be applied to PURCHASEE DATE.

Note: Due to the timing of data, the most current data you can expect to see is based on 2 days prior to the current date.

Subs Details by RENEW Purchase Date

Provides detail data of CBSB subscriptions at a segment level. Date range filter will be applied to PURCHASEE DATE.

Note: Due to the timing of data, the most current data you can expect to see is based on 2 days prior to the current date.

Subs Details for Open Subscriptions Provides detail data of CBSB subscriptions at a segment level.
Subs Cancel Details by Cancellation Date Provides detail data for subscription segments that were cancelled within the selected date range.
Subs Cancel Summary Summarized subscription segment cancels and groups into categories based on the number of days that elapsed between the cancellation date and the grace date.
Subs Payment Failure Details by Payment Failure Date Shows detail data for all payment failure attempts of subscription segments that were set to expire.
Subscription Payment Failure Summary Summarizes Payment Failure based on the Payment Failure Reason.

Summary reports

The Summary reports provide a high-level view of sales activity, including both sales and traffic information.

Report Name Description
BETA - Demand Close Ratio Shows summary report of demand sales and traffic information.
Daily Dashboard Sales Shows summary report encapsulating metrics over time.
Day By Day Host Activity Shows summary report combining sales and demand-based traffic.
Delivery Method Shows summary report broken out by digital and physical product types.
Demand Close Rate By Program - BETA Shows summary report of demand sales and traffic information by program
Demand Close Ratio Shows summary report of demand sales and traffic information.
EDSCD2GO Shows summary report for EDS and CD2GO products.
Free Shipping Shows summary report for orders that have free shipments.
Page Drop Off Shows traffic-centric report by page view as it relates to the progression of the shopping experience.
Payment Method Close Rate Shows summary for the percentage of orders which are demanded which end up being fulfilled.
Sales By Country By Payment Method Shows summary report by payment method by country purchased from.
Sales By Country By Payment Type By Card Type Breakout of demand and booked sales by country by payment type by card type.
Sales By Site Shows summary sales grouped by the site level.
Sales By Site By Date Shows summary sales grouped by the site level and date.
Sales By Site By Subscription Type Shows summary sales grouped by site level and subscription type.
Shipping Method Shows summary sales grouped by shipping method.
Top Customer By Revenue Shows summary top customers grouped by revenue.

Transaction Details report

The Transaction Details report provides information about transactions.

Report Name Description
Gifting Report Displays a report of gifted transactions.
Private Store Demand Transactions Shows demand transactions for a Private Store.
Transaction Accounting Detail A detailed report with client margins for costed orders.
Transaction Customer Detail

Offers detailed information on fulfilled and returned orders.

Best Practices: Limit the number of columns selected to 100.

Transaction Customer Detail Non PII Presents a detailed report of fulfilled orders, excluding customer information.